[M]y Best [F]riend Part 6: The Joey Saga

“I must admit” Gramma continued “I was confused when you started bringing Jeremy around, but I’m so thrilled.”

“Gramma, it’s not what you think.” I was trying to cover for us. “Emmy was so heartbroken and we just fell asleep as I was comforting her.”

“Actually, that’s exactly what I thought. I know you and Emily better than that! Grappa and I shared a bed before marriage. I had just hoped you’d turn out like us and it appears you will.”

Emmy’s phone was blowing up that morning and I could see frustration in her eyes. She most must have seen the confusion on my face as she mouthed “Joey” to me.

Gramma went to run errands and we stayed at the house. As we went upstairs I pressed about the messages but Emmy said she’d deal with it later.

We sat on my bed and she grabbed my laptop.

“Who is that pornstar you said looks like me?”

“Rilee Marks. Also to an extent Dillion Harper.”

She began typing. I spelled the name out.

“Holy shit. We could be related. She really does look like me, at least from the waist up.”

[M]y Best [F]riend Part 5: Second Date (Emmy’s Story)

Hey y’all, Emmy here. Steven and I share this throwaway account because sometimes we just need to get off. We encourage each other when it comes to porn/sexy stories, so I thought I’d surprise Steven by writing the next installment. Enjoy!

Steven collapsed on the bed and I curled up beside him. I loved cuddling with him. Some girls like six packs, some like dad bods. I’m the latter.

“If you didn’t want to talk about an us, what did you mean by ‘the future’ last week?”

“Yeah, sorry about my bad phrasing. Your gramma keeps talking about retirement homes, so I had thought if that was the case we could be roommates. I guess that’s a given now, though.”

“Oh no. I can’t believe she wants to leave the house. But she is getting older. Still, it’ll be sad. But of course we’re going to live together.”

Steven got up early the next morning to go to work. He was always picking up work that his coworkers couldn’t do to give them time off and make extra money. I really admired his work ethic.

At 9:30 there was a knock on my door.

[M]y Best [F]riend Part 4: Changes [Long]

This one has a lot of backstory/build up, but I’m also not writing every time we had sex because it’s not r/StevenandEmmy and I don’t think it’s necessary. But this one is. Enjoy.

Fast forward to last year. Emmy was in her senior year of college, about to complete her degree in nursing and already had a job lined up at the hospital in her college town. I graduated from the technical school and began working on my ASE certification. I landed a job at a well known shop also in her college town which was great because I could spend time with Emmy and other high school friends who attended her university. Additionally, I ended up living with her grandmother, gramma, who was lonely as Emmy’s grappa died just before we started college.

Emmy and I were able to keep our relationship, even at a distance. We would FaceTime or have Skype sessions when we needed each other for relief, and the occasional sexy picture. Before anyone asks, I haven’t and won’t share them because I respect Emmy too much and I’m a selfish bastard.

[M]y Best [F]riend Part 3: Summer Vacation [Long]

Sorry, another long one. Sexy stuff separated out. Again, on mobile. Yada yada yada

Graduation had come and gone. Summer vacation had begun. Emmy was preparing to go to a state college an hour away to major in nursing. I was headed to a technical college to become a mechanic. That summer was kind of like a last hurrah before entering the real world, as it is for many high school graduates.

Our parents were well off, but they lived well below their means. For our graduation present, though, our parents planned a week long Mediterranean cruise. Vacations are still about the only thing they splurge on, and even then they like joint vacations where they split the cost. They aren’t stingy by any means but ended up making sure Emmy and I weren’t spoiled and that we knew the value of a dollar.

Emmy and I got a scare, though, when our parents announced that we’d have our own balcony room. For a brief moment, we shared a look of “do they know?” until they explained that somehow her grandparents managed to have their room transferred to us and that we were adults and they weren’t wanting to deal with us coming and going. They were pretty liberal in that sense.

[M]y Best [F]riend Part 2

Again, on mobile. Check my post history for Part 1. This one is shorter but it’s all still there.

I woke up before Emmy the next morning. My thoughts were swarming with what happened, what would come next, and with hunger. Unable to go back to sleep, I slipped out of bed and headed to the kitchen.

I always liked cooking, so I figured I’d see what her parents had in the fridge and make breakfast for the two of us. I found some bacon and eggs and let the stove heat up while I searched for an apron. Definitely wasn’t going to burn myself with bacon grease!

Soon after I started, Emmy came into the kitchen. I stood dumbstruck for a minute by her naked body. I still wasn’t used to seeing my best friend that way.

“How are you feeling?” I asked her.

“I’m a little sore from using muscles I didn’t know I had, but I slept so well. Did NOT expect to wake up to the smell of bacon, though.”

As we ate breakfast, we talked like two friends sharing a meal. We just happened to be nude at the time. It was surprisingly not awkward, but I couldn’t help taking glances at her.

[M]y Best [F]riend Part 1: First time [Long]

This ended up longer than I intended, but it should be worth it. If you want to skip ahead, go to the *******
Also, on mobile.

Emily and I have been best friends since birth. Born just a day apart, our parents met in the maternity ward and quickly became friends. Shortly after our births, her parents moved into the 1920s bungalow next to and identical to ours but with a mirrored layout.

We both ended up with the small attic bedrooms, shared birthday parties and family vacations, and went to church and school together. Basically, we were inseparable. In any other world, we probably wouldn’t have been friends. Yet Emmy (my nickname for her as I couldn’t say Emily when I started talking) and I have always had a unique, unbreakable bond. We shared secrets and she was my biggest support through my bipolar diagnosis. Our parents even built us a tree house on the tree that sits between our yards.