The Young Mom Upstairs [MF][Long]

Back by popular demand. You can read [Part 1 here](

Before Izzy moved in upstairs, I had always gone for a certain type of girl. Tall, brunette, tan. Izzy was none of those things. Pale, blonde, and very petite. Barely 100 lbs. And with her tiny body and youthful looks, you’d never know she had a three year old.

Her divorce estranged her even further from her ultra religious family. Her older brother, youngest cousin, and grandfather, the family patriarch, were the only ones who hadn’t cut her off. In fact, her cousin was a freshman at the college in our town, and Izzy had moved there with her soon-to-be exhusband to help care for her aging grandfather.

Being only a few months out of a relationship where I had been cheated on, and with Izzy coming out of a bad marriage, we decided to keep it casual and be FWBs. She wanted to date a bit and I figured I’d see what’s out there. Often, I would babysit Jackson, her three year old, when she’d go out. I didn’t mind, though. He was a good kid and I was getting laid.

My New Upstairs Neighbor [MF]

I was 27 years old and a few months out from a bad breakup. I found out my long time girlfriend was cheating on me when she became pregnant and I knew it wasn’t mine. She tried to insist despite hardly touching me in the months prior and I finally got her to agree to a paternity test.

It left me depressed for a while. My job wasn’t great. I had always wanted a family. So I restarted on my own with my two cats in an apartment I could just afford on my own.

I returned from work one day to a Uhaul poorly parked outside. As I walked past, there was a girl maybe a few years younger than me softly crying on bumper. Frankly, I wouldn’t believe it if it hadn’t happened to me. But I had to ask what was wrong.

“I told them I needed a downstairs apartment. When I came to pick up my key, they told me that they had to change me to a townhouse apartment. When I got here, I find out not only is it upstairs, but it’s two floors and there’s this little staircase. How am I supposed to get my stuff in?!”

Steven and Emily: Love in the time of COVID Part 1 [MF] [Long]

Hey y’all, sorry it’s been so long since we’ve posted. Being a nurse during the second wave of COVID doesn’t leave much time for…well, anything. But I finally got a three day weekend so I planned some fun for Steven. Hope y’all enjoy.
♥️ Emily

When I found out I was lucky enough to get a three day weekend, I decided to keep it a secret from Steven. I wanted to surprise him and so Friday morning I put on my scrubs and badge and headed out the door like normal. My plan was simple: run some errands early in the day, get home for some much needed rest, and then I would be his and he mine all weekend.

I made it a bit of a pamper myself day, as well. I’m just girly enough to enjoy the very, VERY occasional mani-pedi. And I thought this occasion warranted it along with getting my hair cut. I hit the grocery store, Target (where I found some cute fox boxers for Steven), and dropped by Victoria’s Secret for the final piece. A cute, lacy babydoll that came with matching bikini panties! Do y’all realize how hard it is to find sexy things without thongs?! And I *hate* thongs.

Steven and Emily: The Babysitter Fantasy [MF]

Sorry for the delay in posting, but work has been ridiculously crazy for both of us lately. We’ve hardly had time or energy for anything, but when we do we make it worth it. Hope y’all enjoy our latest adventure.

Now that school had resumed, so had an influx of COVID cases. The hospital was preparing and changing schedules, and giving people a few days off in the process to prepare for long shifts. Emmy was one of the lucky ones and ended up with a four day weekend, giving her a chance to fulfill one of my fantasies.

My work was finally slowing down as people weren’t preparing for their final summer trips and actually had a Friday of mostly routine stuff, so I didn’t come home worn out, but our manager quit and I stepped up to help the owner so I still got home late

When I walked in the door, Emmy greeted me with a smile. She had her hair in pigtails, a tight t-shirt and short jean shorts. She honestly looked much younger than she is. I didn’t even realize at first what she was doing.

“You’re home early, how was your date?”

Steven and Emily: Love in the Time of Bipolar [MF]

It’s not always easy loving someone who is bipolar. Luckily, I learned years ago not to take it personally when Steven gets frustrated or goes through a depressive episode. He takes his medicine religiously, but sometimes the demons just take over. I have my own issues with anxiety, self-esteem, and body image issues.

Steven went into one of his depressive episodes that not even his meds could help after communication with his mom’s mom. His family was no contact with her because of her lack of treatment for her own bipolar and narcissism which resulted in poor treatment of his mom, but he longed for a relationship like with my gramma, and it’s also why she took his family in as her own.

Depression means no energy for sex and in this case pretty much shutting down completely and just faking it to get through the work day. It doesn’t happen a lot and isn’t usually a problem because neither of us have particularly high libidos. And when one wants it but the other doesn’t there’s always porn.

Steven and Emmy: The Threesome [FFM]

“I want to experience what you do to me from your point of view.”

Emmy’s words echoed in my head. Did she mean what I thought she meant? We were working on our bucket list which turned into our sexual “fuck it” list as she called it. And I was right, she wanted a threesome.

The list was fueled by our sex in the park the night before. We laid out our deepest fantasies, but I doubted it would ever be completed.

If you ever saw Emmy, you’d never guess that the innocent looking girl next door who hides her body behind jeans and t-shirts with a cross around her neck would have this side of her. Even when she did wear tighter fitting clothes and drew the attention her body warranted, she still carried an undeniable innocence about her.

When I got home that Friday night, Emmy and Lacy had already been drinking. Emmy met Lacy when she moved to the Women’s Health Ward and they became fast friends. She would often come over after work on Fridays and sometimes stayed the whole weekend.

[M]y Best [F]riend Part 10: Steven and Emmy [Public]

First off, Emmy and I want to thank everyone for their comments and messages. We try our best to respond, so please keep them coming.

Secondly, this is far from our last story but since we’re now at the present I’m going to start titling them Steven and Emmy so y’all can still find them, but the whole Part X thing is getting daunting and she’s more than just my best friend. Now, onto what you came for…

I never wear underwear around the house. It’s like a woman with her bra: when the boxers come off, I’m not going back out. I was comfortable in my gym shorts and favorite well worn t-shirt when Emmy came in the room.

“Hon, it’s a beautiful night. Let’s go for a walk.”

“But then I have to put boxers on and that seems like a lot of effort right now.”

“Pleeeeeeaaaaassssseeeee. I won’t wear any underwear either.”

Emmy pulled a light sundress from the closet and put it on. She pulled her breasts out of the top and walked over to me and leaned over.

“Pretty please?”

I gave her breast a squeeze and smiled while faking a sigh and agreeing.

[M]y Best [F]riend Part 9: Naked Adventures and a Weekend of Servitude

Emmy and I got a nice break Memorial Day weekend. Her Aunt and Uncle were well known in the medical field and were invited to attend a conference about the reopening of our state. Given what Emmy went through, they asked us to house sit. They were the definition of dual income, no kids. They built a huge house on property her aunt inherited that had a natural spring feeding a pond and tons of wooded trails.

When we arrived Friday night, I unloaded the car as Emmy went in. I was looking forward to exploring a bit as I hadn’t been there in years and starting the plan the next day. Emmy emerged from the bedroom in a tight, sheer baby doll.

“I don’t remember saying you could be dressed. Disrobe at once, then turn on the hot tub for me.”

“Yes, Miss Emily.

I threw my clothes in the bedroom and went to the back deck to turn on the hot tub. Emmy emerged from the house and slid her baby doll and underwear off. As she walked her hips swayed.

“Don’t just stand there staring. Put my lingerie in the bedroom. Then return.”

TW: Sexual Assault [M]y Best [F]riend Part 8: Emmy’s Saga [Long]

Hey y’all, it’s Emmy again. Thanks for encouraging our stories. I’m glad Steven posted what he did because I’ve needed to get what happened next out as a form of therapy. Heed the trigger warning.

My heart was torn. Without Steven, my bed felt lonely. There was a comfort at home as we talked and hung out. But at work I couldn’t help but notice Nathan’s lingering glances, the way he’d brush against me moving around crowded rooms. The tension between us was high.

Nathan made things obvious. Unlike Steven, he was confident. Taller than Steven and lean. I had come a long way from the innocent Christian girl I was 5 years ago, but the cross necklace laying against my chest still meant something.

I was not about to be a notch in his bedpost and I made that clear at a bar night with the younger nurses and some of the residents.

“That’s great” he whispered in my ear. “Keeping morale is a sign of a strong woman.”

He stayed close and we made small talk. I had to be careful. Whatever choice I made would dictate the future of my relationship with Steven. I trusted him when we said we’d always be best friends, but if I picked Nathan the love would be forever severed.

[M]y Best [F]riend Part 7: Role Play and the Rift Between Us

Emmy and I had been living together for several months when it happened. When you’re in a relationship with your life long best friend, lines can get blurred and it’s easy to miss signs. It took me longer than I care to admit that she had become romantically distance. We lived together as friends but the touching and words of love had dissipated.

It was also Spring 2020 and tensions were running high. As a nurse, Emmy’s job had become immensely stressful and as a mechanic my work had slowed immensely. Luckily my boss was able to secure one of the small business loans.

On top of the fear of my job, my boss Sal had hired this really sketchy guy as a service writer. We all talked shit at work but we also worked together and had each other’s back. From Sal to the writers to the techs. All except William worked as a team. We couldn’t pin anything down, but the way he talked and acted towards us plus the work he was getting wasn’t what we thought was necessary.

It was also nearing our one year anniversary. The girls had finally accepted our relationship though I figure they’ll never celebrate it.