I really [F]ucked a [M]ormon girl

I don’t think this is the most ‘sexy’ thing I’ve written, however it is **definitely** an interesting story. In my opinion, I think that makes it better… Unlike previous stories I’ve written, there will be no **THE SEX STARTS HERE**, you’ll understand as you read it.

Finally [F]ucking [M]y High School Crush, Part 2

Wow. I want to thank everyone who enjoyed [Part 1](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ekjpu1/finally_fucking_my_high_school_crush/), and for liking my writing, my story, messaging me about your experiences with your own high school crush (shoutout to you all!) and letting me know I should write this next chapter. Unfortunately, part 2 doesn’t end well, but hey, that’s life. All I ask is that you try and remain respectful (but this is Reddit, so that won’t happen). If you’re only interested in the sex feel free to skip to **THE SEX STARTS HERE** , for everyone else, this is for you.

I got home Saturday night and was glowing in my post sex high. I couldn’t believe what I had actually done. The sex was incredible, and I felt like I had climbed a mountain and was admiring the proverbial view from the top. We set a time for next Saturday, as we were both busy with work and school, and we figured we would start again where we left off, this time with the Titans-Ravens game. Neither one of us are Titans or Ravens fans, and we had discussed beforehand that we wouldn’t be upset missing part of the of game to focus on something “more interesting”. As planned, just before the game I showed up at Ally’s with a pizza and “prepared to watch the game”. Her roommate was out of town so it would be just us, meaning we could finally really explore each other’s bodies.

Finally [F]ucking [M]y High School Crush

I know some people are only interested in the sex, so if thats you, skip to **THE SEX STARTS HERE**, for everyone else, enjoy

My senior year of high school I developed a crush on Ally. Ally was your stereotypical all American girl; 5’4, blonde hair, blue eyes, nice body, outgoing and popular. The kind of girl everyone in the senior class knew. I, on the other hand, was the epitome of average in high school. I wasn’t ugly or fat or anti-social, but we were definitely in different social circles. Truth be told, she didn’t even know who I was (I went to a really big high school).