A few years ago, I spent a weekend in the big city and went out with some friends. I had withdrawn a nice handful of cash for the occasion and thought it’d last me throughout the weekend but it didn’t go as planned. I was totally hammered and somehow I had moved from the inner city to the outer areas. I had my phone on me but my purse? It was long gone. I sat down on a bench and started to look for a cab. Just as I dialed up, my phone died. Great I thought, just my luck. I stayed on the bench for a good few minutes. It was facing a busy street with cars and people coming and going. I considered my options, taking into account that I was very drunk and very lost. I knew that some of my friends lived in the city but I didn’t know their exact addresses and I had wandered too far already. After what seemed 5-10 minutes, a car pulled up on the sidewalk.
“Parking not allowed” I thought, shaking my head and not really realizing it was me the driver was pulling up for. It was a younger man, perhaps a few years older than me. I was 23 and he looked 27-28? He called me over and I reluctantly got up.
“I must have driven by you three times perhaps?” he said. He was pretty good looking.
“Why?” I asked and leaned against the car to not lose balance. I noticed that the top of the car had a taxi sign, it wasn’t turned on though.
“I saw you coming down the street, you looked like you needed help” he said. I thought it was kind of him and told him I had lost my wallet and my phone had died. I was lost and didn’t know where to go.
“Hop on in” he said and assured me he’d get me back to the inner city. I told him I didn’t live in the city but 2 hours away to which he replied casually
“I’ll get you there” and I said thanks.
2 hours in a strangers car would scare most women, but I was drunk and I just wanted to get home.
**I however don’t recommend anyone to do what I did, because it’s stupid and risky and I was just lucky.**