Good Morning [Ff] [MD/lg] [cnc]

This is a true story.

I felt her fingers teasing up my naked cunt as she pulled me out of my last bits of slumber. I think about how wet my pussy must already be from our play time last time. Mhm last night. Last night we got a new anal dildo, 5.5 inches of firm hard cock just for my ass. How is that not spoiled?! I was so delighted but not surprised when my tight ass took the whole cock and then she added another 7inch cock to my cunt just for that added fullness. That last perfect touch to make me cum all over both of her cocks while I growl and scream her name, curling up my entire body with raking shudders of ecstasy. I was so lost in my own slutty memories and thoughts I gasped when she finally took her teasing from gentle petting of my soft pussy to finally working her fingers into my tight sore cunt. I was pleasantly sore but I wanted more, needed it is more like it. I really wanted her to fuck my ass again but I knew we didn’t have enough time so I would have to settle for just my pussy being used this morning. The room was quiet besides the fan going and her sighs as she worked her two fingers in my cunt methodically stretching my pussy just enough for the next part.