Losing my anal virginity (mf) (public) (anal)

So for a short back story. I was going through training to work at a call center and started getting rides home from work with my trainer Wes. The first night he dropped me off at my moms house he fucked me on the hood of his car while someone in a truck watched. 

So after that most nights ended with us messing around. One night after work we went to a home construction site and sat on the concrete slab that would be the back patio. We just sat and talked for a while. Our hands randomly exploring while I sat with my legs on his lap. Eventually we started talking about things we had and hadn’t done.. I had only slept with 3 guys (including him) at the time and the first 2 were either very tame/not good plus I didn’t know how to ask for what I wanted. He seemed surprised that I hadn’t done much because I was really good at blowjobs. I might have been a virgin through high school but I had given plenty of blow jobs.. I actually love them so, naturally i was good lol. But he asked me what was something that I had always wanted to try but was too scared to ask for. 

Public sex with trainer [19f 32m] [true story] [mf] [public car sex]

First time poster, long time lurker, posting from mobile**

So for a little back story, my mom was pretty over baring growing up.. I wont go into details but sex was definitely unacceptable outside of marriage.  But I still started masturbating around 12 and everything evolved from there. Through high school the most I ever did was give a couple of hand jobs and blowjobs. After I graduated I fell in love and lost my virginity in a very non spectacular way. After a few months I had the option to move to a different state so I did! I moved with my parents and stayed with them for a few months before finding my own place. 

This story is after moving to the new state but shortly before I had a car or moved into my own apartment. 

So ,anyways, I was working at a call center and had to go through training for a few months before I went on the floor to take calls. I was 19 and this was my first non fast food job and I was looking for an apartment and saving for a car.