[MFF] Slumber Party

A little while ago I went out with my BF and her BF. It was a great night and we went clubbing and got a little worse for wear. We eventually made it back home and I showered, which did little to clear my head. I stumbled into their bed and flopped into their bed (as we had agreed). My BF was in the middle and was soon sound asleep and gently snoring on her BFs arm. He then turned slightly and placed his hand near my arm. I tensed a little, but soon relaxed. He then started tracing his fingers up and down my arm. It was so hot and relaxing just led there in the dark that I let him. Before long he started stroking the side of my breast through the thin material of my top. My head was spinning and it felt amazing so I led there. Soon he reached under my top. It was so hot and wrong and exciting as he played with my breasts and nipples. I then rolled over embarrassed and very turned on.
Very vanilla, but very true xx