Her First Year Of College, Ch. 4

Cat’s head was swirling. Her heart was beating into her throat, and her hands were trembling. Jack’s lips melted into hers, and as she allowed his tongue into her mouth, she could no longer feel where she ended and he began. His fingers running through her hair, the kissing became more and more desperate. Her hands, which at first had cradled his face, began to explore, searching his strong back, seeking out every last inch of his strength. She felt vulnerable under him. She felt exposed. But she somehow also felt entirely safe, entirely secure, and a new feeling was emerging, one which she could never have imagined before: she wanted him inside her.

It was not so much that she wanted to be “fucked,” or that she “wanted his dick,” whatever Melissa had said. It was more basic than that. She wanted him to be inside her. The border between their bodies which had begun to dissolve in their kissing, now seemed only to exist between her legs, and that boundary needed to go–she needed to feel them fully merge.

Her First Year Of College, Ch. 3

“Well, we went back to his place,” Cat started.

“I guessed that myself,” Melissa laughed.

“I mean what do you want to know?” Cat giggled nervously. Melissa smiled.

“Whatever you want to tell me.”

Cat smiled and put her hands between her legs. Looking down at the floor, she squeezed her legs together, trying to decide where to start. She suddenly felt very self-conscious. Did she really want to talk about it? Parts of it had gone by so fast she was sure she couldn’t describe them anyway.

“So you went back to his place, and then,” Melissa prompted.

Cat giggled again.

“Then he pulled out his latex and ball gags and tied you up?”

Cat burst out laughing.

“Oh yeah exactly, you know me, BDSM girl over here.”

She nodded a few more times, and then looked over at Melissa an blushed.

“Mel, it was great,” she smiled.

“I’m sure it was,” Melissa smiled back. “Did you feel comfortable?”

Cat just nodded and blushed.

“And he was gentle and everything?”

Cat nodded again.

Her First Year Of College Ch. 2

The next morning, Cat awoke to a text from Ryan.

“Hi! Hope your semester is going well :) Do you have time to get coffee next week?”

Her heart sank. She had meant to keep better in touch with him, but as classes had picked up, and she had started spending more time with Melissa, it had been harder and harder to stay connected. And besides, Melissa had said, they had only gone to prom together–it wasn’t like they had dated or anything.

“Hey! It’s going great! And yeah I would love to!” Her finger hovered over the send button.

She deleted it. She would think of what to say later. Right now she was late for brunch, and she also needed to start packing for Thanksgiving break. And not only that, but she also needed to think of what the “sermon” this morning had been about so she could tell her mom later. She had really meant to go to church every Sunday, or at least every other Sunday, but Saturday nights and Sunday mornings just hadn’t turned out to be compatible.

Her First Year Of College, Ch. 1

Her hands shook so bad that she could barely undo the buttons on her blouse. The light from the lamp in the far corner was barely enough for her to see what she was doing anyway, and she could feel her face getting hot. Flustered, she gave up, and started to pull her shirt over her head.

“Easy, babe,” he whispered in her ear.

Covering her hands with his, he pulled her against his body, his cheek pressing against hers, his breath tickling her neck. She giggled.


Turning his face in, he kissed behind her jaw, behind her ear, down her neck, stopping at the top of her shoulder. She felt butterflies rise in her stomach as he started to undo her buttons. She wanted to turn to face him, but she knew the rules. “If you kiss him you’ll catch feels. You don’t want feels. You want to fuck.” That was what Melissa had said. Four months ago, she had been packing her suitcase to move away from home for the first time ever. She didn’t even know Melissa then.

“We don’t have to go all the way tonight.”