The Great Erotica Advent Calendar

I’m not sure how many of you have been downloading these FREE titles from amazon but we have hours left of reads to go as we approach our last week.

Find todays link here [Erotica Advent Calendar](

Categorized as Erotica

Fairly New Erotica Podcast

Hi Erotica Fans

We have a fairly new Erotica podcast we’d like you to considered listening to, Its called…

All The Filthy Details

We are also supporting independent published authors with free promotion!

Our Latest Podcast Episode now available 
And more… (google podcasts etc)

If you chose to listen and you enjoyed the episodes please let us know.

If you write erotica and you’d liked to be featured, send me a message.

Categorized as Erotica

Help ahead of our New Erotica Podcast

Hello all Keen Eroticists.

I’m creating an Erotica Podcast with our small team. I’m looking for ideas of segments or subjects people would like to hear about regularly. As things stand, each podcast will feature a story from our books, similar to those on our youtube channel ([]( but with more intense sound effects. If you have any ideas you’d like to share, If you’d like to work together or you’d like to learn more, please drop me a message.

Categorized as Erotica

Quality Erotica on Youtube!

We’ve been creating Erotic content on Youtube from our paperbacks and Ebooks. Check out this Chapter here.. [](

we know people are shy about giving feedback on Youtube, but can we get some feedback here at least.

Blog writers, Website owners and Social media influencers, Feel free to share our videos on your platforms.

Categorized as Erotica

My hungry ass greedily swallowed George’s cock – from my upcoming book ‘The Erotic Diary of Daniele’

**February 15, 2020**

*Whatever your hustle is, go somewhere with it*

*-* ***Tionne Watkins***

I don’t know if Martina is even alive anymore. My only contact with Martina got arrested the other in connection with Mack’s trial. The news was calling this the biggest underground crime ring of the century. They were comparing us to weeds and tree roots, how our connections just kept getting deeper. The local jails were filling up with minor criminals in the ring, people who occasionally sold a bag of dope or something like that, but eventually the cops would net a big fish and it would be plastered all over the news.

Yesterday was Valentine’s day and I had two appointments scheduled for today. I was going to get brunch and most likely have sex with my sugar daddy George and then later in the evening I was going to meet up with that college kid I was talking about earlier. His name was Oliver. I wore sexy red lingerie underneath my normal clothes when I went to have brunch with George. Not only did George pay for brunch, but he gave me a thousand pounds just for being his sugar baby. Brunch was amazing, we went to a classy restaurant and had Belgian waffles topped with homemade whipped cream and diced fruits, handmade sausage, and the best-scrambled eggs I’ve ever had. It was a lovely time overall that was made even sweeter by the thousand pounds.

Her cum was squirting into my mouth – The Erotic Diary of Isabelle [lesbian]

Jan. 30, 2020

It’s four in the morning, and I should be asleep, but my mind won’t shut off. I can’t stop thinking about what happened tonight, or yesterday I guess, at the club. I ended up wearing this dark red sheer dress that had a couple of dark spots for my nipples and then was normal fabric at the bottom to cover everything below my hips. It was also backless so I didn’t wear a bra. I could feel the eyes on me when we walked in, and I knew there were going to be a lot of girls interested in being with me. I could feel the excitement going all through me. I had no idea what was going to happen, but I wanted something to happen. Scarlett and I started to dance and right away, different girls were joining us. Some were prettier than others. But then partway through the night Scarlett’s “friend” that she was telling me about showed up and started to dance with me.

He continued to squirt rope and after rope of cum in my mouth – From ‘The Erotic Diary of Natalia’ [Oral][MF][Fiction]

Jan. 24, 2020

Another Friday night working at the restaurant, but this time Mr Mystery is back. He hadn’t been here in almost a month, and I was starting to think he was never going to come back. I’m glad I decided to wear a tight black dress that was just as short as my red dress from New Year’s Eve. I’ve been wearing tighter and shorter outfits recently. Scarlett and I were planning a shopping trip next week to get some extra goodies for me. She has convinced me that I need to invest in some lingerie if I was dead serious about my sex list, which I am. Mr Mystery was led to my section, and after grabbing a menu, I headed over.

“Long time no see,” I said with a flirty smile as I handed him the menu.

“Hello, Sweetness. I was busy at work, couldn’t getaway.”

His voice was just as sexy as I remember it being. I couldn’t help but wonder what he would sound like with me on my knees.

“What do you do for work?” I asked, instead of what I wanted to say to him.

Sexual Bucket list- The Erotic Diary of Isabelle – Jan 19th [Fiction][Free Download]

Jan. 19, 2020

Oh my god, I don’t even know where to start with what happened last night. With my first Saturday off in a while I agreed to go out to the gay club for fun with Scarlett. She’s been dating this new girl. Not too sure I like her, but Scarlett seems to be all into her right now. And with me being on my period I knew I wouldn’t have to worry about any guy trying to pick me up. Side note, I haven’t seen Mr Mystery in weeks, not since we had some dessert out in the back alley. Which is weird, he’s usually always there Friday night, maybe he got what he wanted and wasn’t interested in anything more. It shouldn’t bother me, but it does. Not the point though, last night is my point. So, we’re at the club, the one my boss owns, having a few drinks, me a lot less than Scarlett. And we decided to start dancing. A girl comes up behind me, no idea who she is. And all of a sudden, she’s dancing all over me. I didn’t really think much of it at the time, I mean it’s happened before when I’ve gone out with Scarlett to other clubs, not even gay clubs. Girls dance all up on each other. So, we’re dancing face to face for a couple of songs, then out of nowhere she pulls me in and kisses me right on the lips.

Liam gave me the ******** i really needed. [MF]

I’m writing in here on Sunday morning because I’ve only just got in! Wow – last night was…

So, I went to Liam’s gig. I asked Angela to come but she couldn’t make it, so I went on my own. Liam looked gorgeous on stage in a black shirt that was half unbuttoned and black jeans and boots. I swooned when I saw his hairy chest and blushed when he waved at me from the stage. There were quite a lot of women there, a lot of whom obviously fancied Liam.

The lead singer in the band was also a hunk, with blonde hair and a similar body to Liam’s. The guitarist and drummer both had long hair and looked like typical rockers. The music was pretty heavy rock, but it was fun and you could dance to it.

After the gig, Liam walked straight over to me.

“Hey,” he said, “I’m impressed that you stayed for the whole thing.”

Then, just like that, he kissed me! I felt giddy as our lips locked. I couldn’t believe it was happening, so easily.

We were pretty much inseparable after that, for the duration of the evening. We went to another bar together and then back to his apartment.

Untold Story of Alina [MF] [Oral] Chapter 1

Every step I took, my head wavered on side-to-side. No one was looking at me and yet, it still felt as though there were thousands of eyes trained to stare. My heart was always racing, only slowing down when I found myself alone. In public like this, however, it was hard to resist not going back to where I was staying.

Soon enough, I found myself on Broadway Market, a street full of quaint little shops and restaurants. My eyes scanned over the different people; it was strange seeing so many different ethnicities in such a small area, something I wasn’t quite used to. I tried to blend in, changing my style, my hair, anything that made me look less… me. These heels were killing my feet, almost causing me to limp in pain. For this weather, I should not have worn a dress but seeing as all the other women around me were doing the same, I couldn’t entirely deny it.