[FM] The last time…

Sometimes, certain sounds, smells or visuals bring back strong memories.

Her and I had been together for just over 2 years. In the beginning of the relationship, everything was great, sex included, it felt like we were made for each other, we thought about each other all the time, it was happiness that I had never experienced before. I always made sure that she was satisfied and I know she appreciated it, she would often hold me close after sex, say nothing and just hold me, sometimes I swear I could hear it in her breath that she was crying, but I never looked.

As great as things were, eventually everything good comes to an end, a way of life. In our case, she started to study to be a vetenarian and started a new job. I was initially frustrated at the change, I felt like she didn’t have the energy or the will to make time for me. I grew to be resentful. She would ask if I want to watch a movie together and I would say, ”no, I’m going out with a friend”, I wasn’t going anywhere half of the time, I just didn’t want to see her. Every now and then things would improve for a moment, maybe a week or two, but in the end, we would always spend more time apart. We both told each other ”I love you”, maybe we meant it, maybe we didn’t, who knows. I don’t think I did, not anymore.