Addison (M/F)

Dear Diary,

French doors open and I come pouring out the back porch, the sun’s rays instantly embracing me with their warmth. I am euphoric, laughing with a frankness that I haven’t known in years. All my inhibitions about myself, my concerns about life, have washed off of me and it feels like I am left unclothed and unashamed, running naked and wild to declare to myself and the world: Here I am. Take me and accept what I offer to show and give or leave me alone to be. Freedom is not what I feel, but what I have become. I can see it, evident in my stride and movements. The twinkle in my eyes, the richness of my laughter, my aura.

Orange Juice (M/F)

Tom woke up well before his wife, Jessica. After brushing his teeth, rinsing his mouth, shaving, and showering, she was still asleep. Poor thing, Tom thought. She must be tired from the meeting last night.Tom’s wife is an attorney for a well known law firm. Ever since a case came up involving the city’s mayor and his alleged involvement in gambling, she has been up to her neck in work. As Tom looked down at her peacefully asleep, he decided that he would treat her to something special.

Breakfast in bed, thought Tom, smiling.

Closing the bedroom door behind him as quietly as possible, Tom made his way to the kitchen. French toast with eggs and orange juice was his wife’s favorite meal in the morning. Taking the loaf of bread from the cabinet, as well as the egg beater, pans, and manual juicer, Tom began to get to work. It was just after he finished beating the eggs that his wife came into the kitchen.

“Hey, I didn’t expect you to wake so soon.”

“Oh, am I interrupting something?” she asked, coming close to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. She still smelled faintly of the peach scented soap she used last night when she showered.