Prostitution and art of servicing the low grade manipulator.

Bill works in sales. He’s a long time user of prostitutes and a regular customer of the agency I work for, so he fancies himself as a savvy consumer.

I mention that he works in sales because it’s the most significant thing about him. In fact everything with Bill is a negotiation, everything is a battle of wills.

The management came very close to dropping Bill as a client on several occasions (for various reasons). The main reason they didn’t, is because while Bill himself isn’t particularly wealthy, he has referred a number of wealthy clients.

However despite that he’s always threading that line that if he crossed would end up with the agency cutting him off.

The biggest thing with Bill is that girls finish a booking with him, regretting that they agreed to do certain things. While someone might agree to do something with Bill at the time, later reflection can often bring a combination of WTF, regret, and anger.

So there’s only a few girls that the agency will now send for outcalls with Bill and I’m one of them. I do them largely because I get to pick when I go, rather than sitting around in one of the agency apartments waiting for a booking.

[prost] Prostitution and the art of marketing.

David had spent nearly £8,000 pounds on prostitutes in the last two weeks.

That figure of £8,000 came from one of the drivers, our agency manager released financial information from her ledgers very sparingly, and only when it suited her.

In some ways David was following a certain format. He had never used prostitutes before, and then one night a friend had shown off his 'date' to David. She'd quite astutely taken the time to do a little prospecting, and was now entitled to a small % of everything he spent. Without having to give him so much as a handjob.

I don't think David actually liked the company of Women. I don't mean that in a sinister way, I think he just wasn't entirely comfortable interacting with women in anything but a most basic sense, i.e fucking us. I know he was a divorcee, and a happy one I think. He was moderately successful, had a nice home, he didn't have expensive tastes and I suspected we were his biggest outgoing.

Prostitution and the Art of Marketing.

David had spent nearly £8,000 pounds on prostitutes in the last two weeks.

That figure of £8,000 came from one of the drivers, our agency manager released financial information from her ledgers very sparingly, and only when it suited her.

In some ways David was following a certain format. He had never used prostitutes before, and then one night a friend had shown off his 'date' to David. She'd quite astutely taken the time to do a little prospecting, and was now entitled to a small % of everything he spent. Without having to give him so much as a handjob.

I don't think David actually liked the company of Women. I don't mean that in a sinister way, I think he just wasn't entirely comfortable interacting with women in anything but a most sense, i.e fucking us. I know he was a divorcee, a happy one I think. He was moderately successful, had a nice home, he didn't have expensive tastes and I suspected we were his biggest outgoing.

Prostitution and the art of catering for the nouveau riche.

Harold has relatively recently come into quite a lot of money. I don’t know how if it’s changed him as I didn’t know him in his previous financial state.

He’s also become a major user of prostitutes. It annoys our manager that he uses other agencies as well as hers. He does 2 or 3 bookings a week with us spending up to £15000 a month, she just sees the money she’s losing to her competitors.

‘Find out what he’s doing with the other agencies’ she tells us before each booking, she suspects it’s BDSM, and has stressed to us that we’re meant to offer light BDSM as part of our regular services. She’s made sure that all the girls do outcalls with him are taking the BDSM paraphernalia with them.

He likes to watch. While we use toys on ourselves or each other he’ll wank himself. He used to be shy about doing it, but he's pretty blase about it now. He also has a fondness for spanking and anal sex, unfortunately giving rather than receiving.

He’s recently become enamored with lesbian sex, but he insists on mixing and matching women himself rather than letting us pick who we want to work with.

Prostitution, and the art of marketing to the XXXXL customer.

During my time as a prostitute (I don’t like the term escort for various reason), the agency I worked for had a certain number of high value ‘clients’. Many of these clients were loyal to the agency but a few were loyal to specific women, so when those women left the agency, retaining the client was something that could be difficult. However the agency always very focused on having a small client base, always went to extreme lengths go get them back.

Freebie’s are not usually a big marketing tool for most escort agencies. However if the agency knew a client had the capability to pay, then they’d sometimes consider it.

The departure of one particular girl from the agency left several regulars to be hoovered up by the other girls. One man however wasn’t for hoovering, let’s call him Harry and he was a league by himself.

As a prostitute you learn early on, how to handle the morbidly obese, and Harry was almost into disability territory he was so fat. I’d first met him about 3 months previously, when he’d booked a threesome with his regular girl and me.

Worst prostitute ever! Part III [m/f]

Oral sex can at times be a fairly complicated process, whether it’s a man or woman you’re performing it on. It’s made harder if you were in a situation like I was, where I had a large butt plug sitting rather uncomfortably inside me.

As a prostitute there are a few key points to consider when you’ve got a client’s cock in your mouth. The key one is when to put the condom on him. It was entirely up to me when to put the condom on during oral sex. With my first few clients, I’d always put it on immediately but then quickly discovered that caused all sorts of problems. It was hard to get guys to cum, they’d lose their erection and decide they wanted to fuck you vaginally or anally instead. It was easier just to leave the condom off and either put it on towards the end, or let them finish by masturbating and ejaculating onto me.

The second point was whether to let a guy put his hands on your head to guide you. With some men (not just clients) this could be seen as an invitation to try and jam their cock down my throat. However by letting him guide me, they often ended up finishing a lot faster, and provided I kept both hands on the base of his cock I could usually stop men from getting carried away.

When hiring two prostitutes to have a threesome, there are some points to consider. [MFF]

The absolute key thing to remember is to try and make sure that the prostitutes you hire don't hate each other. There are other factors as well, but that one is pretty key.

Let's call our big spending customer Alex. For the 6 months I'd been working as a prostitute he'd been a regular of mine, for the most of it.

He was a bit weird, and a lot of the other women at the agency didn't like him, but I got on with him pretty well. With me at least he directed a lot of his energies towards role play and light humiliation, rather than the more extreme stuff he often wanted with other women.

He was that key thing, a regular. Someone that would adjust his booking around your timings. He'd book me for two hours twice a month on whatever time was convenient to me, so it spared me having to fight for bookings with the agency.

Let's call my colleague Alice. Straight off Alice called herself an escort rather than prostitute. Despite the fact that like the majority of the women at the agency rarely actually did anything that included the social aspect of escorting with the clients. Rather than a descriptive term, I felt she used it as a kind of euphemism, for how she earned a living.

Worst prostitute ever! Part II [m/f]

As a prostitute you get lots of bad advice from a lot of different people. From how to deal with the customers, to how to handle money. You always needed to consider who it was coming from, whether it was other prostitutes, the agency, drivers or doormen. Women in the business that were very keen to offer advice, I suspected were doing it to mentally reinforce their own decisions.

Some women prided themselves on how they tough they were with the clients, enforcing limits and demanding certain standards of behavior from them. In my experience it never worked, they inevitably struggled to retain clients, they’d fall out with the agency and would end up being strung along without getting the hours they wanted.

Your hours quickly became the focus of your work. The agency in quite a smart way had side-lined the issue of money. Most prostitutes will have a list of services and charges, we didn’t. We all provided the same services, though some more enthusiastically than others. The client paid a flat rate per hour to the agency who in turn paid us, usually again by the hour.

Worst prostitute ever! [m/f]

He didn't actually use that phrase but he strongly implied it.

Let's call him Kevin. Kevin had been a regular of the escort agency I worked for, long before I arrived and years after I left both the agency and the glamorous world of prostitution, I'm guessing he still is.

The woman that ran the agency loved him. It wasn't just because he was a frequent customer and the amount of money he pumped into the agency, I think it was because he fulfilled her expectation on every level of what her ideal customer would be like.

He was fat (pudgy rather than obese) balding and his 50’s, every woman’s dream, and he just wanted to be our friend. He also wanted to fuck us in the arse and urinate on us, though he was still a good bloke apparently!.

From before we joined the agency we were told we had to provide all the services the agency offered. So while a woman at another agency might not want to offer say, anal sex and her agency might work around it, our agency wouldn’t. In fairness when they were always up front about it. In practice how it worked was that your first time with a new client, if he asked for something like anal, you’d say not now, but once we’ve had a few bookings we’ll do it then.