My [F]riends had fun with me and now we don’t talk anymore

This all happened last year around July I think. I got off from a long day at work (I work as a waitress) and I just so happened to have taken the next few days off as vacation days. I was feeling stressed at the time as my dad was in the hospital, I wasn’t sleeping enough and I just wanted some time off. I get home and decide to unwind with some wine and TV when my friend calls, we’ll call him Jason. He wanted to know if I wanted to hangout and play some video games with him and my other friend Miles. I said sure why not, come on over.

I had always been a tomboy and “one of the boys” for the lack of putting it differently. I had a friends that were girls but I got along with guys better for the most part. So, I’m chilling and drinking my wine when Johnny and Miles show up. They come in all hyper and in a good mood. They have brought whiskey and beer and had been drinking. “I thought we were gonna have a gaming night?” I asked them and they said yeah we are and that they just wanted to drink some too. Cool, whatever I thought. It’s hard to play games when you’re getting progressively more buzzed, but I figured what the hell, might as well and did a shot with them and we all started playing Old Goldeneye as it’s are favorite.