Hellos, Housekeeping, and a Refresher

**Part 1: Hello!**
*Meet the Mods*

Hey! My name is Lillith and I’m your head mod. Your other mod, u/asphaltdragon, who I will be referring to as AD for the remainder of the post, is running around here somewhere.
It’s just the two of us. Which brings me to…

**Part 2: Housekeeping**

Like I said, there’s only two of us. AD and I are doing this in our free time. We work full time and have lives outside of Reddit. So please, have a little patience with us. Before AD agreed to mod, I was by myself, because the old head mod passed the reins to me and stepped down. We are only two people, and we’re only human. Life has been running us ragged lately, so trying to get the sub running smoothly has been a struggle. We’re doing what we can, when we can. So again, please be patient. To the 98% of you that have been kind and patient, please know that we see you, and we appreciate you. To the other 2%: let’s talk for a minute. I don’t know who raised y’all, but some of you have been downright rude and condescending, and it’s unnecessary. It also won’t solve your issue any faster. We are *human beings*. We have lives, and sometimes we make mistakes. There is no reason for you to be hostile. It’s 2022 and just know that I match energy. Come correct, or don’t come at all. We do not, and will not, put up with rude users.

Rules for Tags

Hey everyone! I just wanted to post some clarification about the tagging system here so everyone is on the same page.

1. Tags should be placed in brackets [example] in the title of your post.

2. Tags should include the ages of all characters participating in adult activities. A range is fine [FFF 30s-40s]

3. Please include gender, or pairing information in your tags. [F/M] or [Gay] or [NB], etc

4. Tags should also include content. Is your story D/s? First time? Cheating? Please put that in the tags.

Last, and I cannot stress this enough:


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via modmail.

Bear with me y’all. Trying to organize a whole sub is hard lol

Rule Changes and Updates

Hello everyone!

They’re have been some changes and updates to the rules of the sub. I just wanted to make everyone aware. Give them a look over. There will probably more additions and changes soon. I’m trying to get things a little more organized and cutting out spam posts.


No More Incest Stories

Incest stories are now banned. There are way too many of them that are underage or of dubious age, so we’re banning them.


We’ve had some questions and requests about content in the comments. I promise to get these addressed as soon as I can. If you have a question or concern and I haven’t gotten to yet, shoot me a message. I’ve been trying to keep up, but honestly it’s been a shitty day, and I’m drained. Thanks for your patience.