Anthem for a Doomed Yoof [MF]

When I was a kid I had the pleasure of being looked after by a wonderful young woman, let’s call her P. She was a Mum herself and was great with kids. She was kind.

Roll on several years and I am 18, horny and unsuccessfully trying to hide my current level of inebriation. It’s a gathering at a family friend’s house and I am chugging the red wine. I’m introduced to a beautiful older woman with dark hair, gorgeous smile. It’s P.

I hadn’t seen her in years and, more importantly, I hadn’t seen her *that way*. But now I was there and she stood in front of me, the metaphorical clouds parted and I saw her fully for the first time.

We hugged, I pecked her on the cheek and and I dove head first. I made it clear to P, with every ounce of my being, that she was the focal point of the room. We chatted, talked about where we were at in our lives, giggled and flirted, outrageously… or at least I did.