I Said Nothing…. until I did. [Submissive] [Authority] [Possible Rape Trigger]

*Please be kind. This is the first time I have written my thoughts but I would appreciate constructive comments.*

When I was 18 I thought I was *“all that”*. I always had money, had parents who put no restrictions on me, went to a prestigious college, had a great part-time job in a theme attraction park and had the hottest car of all my friends. I didn’t have a single good priority in life or a bit of common sense but I felt like I had everything. I was what most called spoiled rotten.

One night after leaving my park job at midnight, I had my windows down, music up as loud as it would go, and I was driving well over 60 in a 25 zone. Next thing I know, I see blue lights in my rear-view mirror. My music was so loud I never ever heard the siren. The park was heavily wooded and there really wasn’t anywhere to stop other than on a side dirt road. I turned in and the police car followed in behind me. My heart was beating so fast. I couldn’t think about anything and was just scared.