So this happened a number of years ago, one summer in Ireland, when the world was normal and people could do things. When bars were open and people could gather. Good times right?
The summer in question I had moved to spend time with my college girlfriend who lived across the country, and I had found work in a local bar in one of those picturesque coastal towns that Ireland is famous for. Dead in winter, but pretty busy in summer… at least at weekends. Pretty sweet right?
Well it was until my girlfriend broke up with me and decided to travel Europe with a few other friends after 3 weeks, which meant that I was now spending 3 months in a rural town where the only people I knew were my ex’s family and the staff in the pub, with a 3 month rental agreement that I’d stupidly committed to. But again that was grand, I enjoy the sea and it wasn’t the worst place to spend a summer earning money.