An ode to my sexual encounters

Note About a year ago I read a post on this sub by a user who just described all of the sexual encounters in her life in rich and humane detail. None of the stories were particularly sensational but I found it incredibly erotic and intimate and vulnerable and real and super sexy. It really stuck with me; I still think about it now and then. I wrote my first post in this sub recently and it got a really encouraging reception, but it was one of the few truly sensational moments in my life. For a follow up post I thought it would be fun to pay an homage to that post (that I can't find anymore)!with my own sexual encounters. I have no idea if this is raunchy or sexy or interesting enough for this sub but I hope that reading about these will give you the same erotic vouueristic feel that I get from reading other people's everyday sexual encounters.

College strip truth or dare

The last two years of college I lived in a house on campus with five pals. We were neighbors with a house of 6 girls and we became pretty good friends with them mostly out of proximity and convenience. On any weekend night when there wasn't a good party or bar to go to we'd usually hang out at one of the two houses and goof around.

One such boring Saturday 6 of us (3 guys and 3 girls) were hanging out at our house at 2 in the morning drinking and goofing around. All our other housemates were in relationships and enjoying the benefits of calling it an early night because you're not afraid of missing out on anything because you're already getting laid so who cares.

The night looked like it might end any minute when Becca suggested truth or dare. Becca was as tiny as her ass was huge. She was the most overtly sexual girl I had ever met and was well aware the power her oozing of sexuality on others. She loved to make the hair on your neck stand still with a well placed sexual comment.