[MF] asked a/s/l; found out she (26) was my neighbor.

Okay so maybe not so much next door, more like _in the neighborhood_ given how long it took to get to her place.

We met online, chatted some, flirted, sexted, masturbated, and then exchanged addresses and planned to meet in an hour.

I thought she was full of shit, but I was young and any promise of possible sex was worth the adventure (even if it meant possibility being murdered). So I got i my car, drove the 20 minutes it took to get to her place, found a parking spot and decided that the best chance to solve my future murder was to leave a voice mail to myself with details of the last 5 hours: how we met, current location, and final messages to my family (did I mention I was young, stupid, and horny?). Once my affairs were in order, I made my way up to her place, knocked on the door and waited.

Rewind. Before we decided to meet, we made a pact: I’d knock on her door and she’d check her peephole to confirm looks/attractiveness. If she approves, she’d open the door and then I’d get to observe and decide the same… but really, who was I kidding… I was young and horny… who ever opened that door, I’d fuck, or die from trying.

[MF] Summer (Long)

It was a friendly game of strip poker that turned into stripping more than poker and eventually more poking once the stripping ended. That’s how the chips fells.

My ex’s sister, let’s call her Fran, and her friend Lucy had invited James and I over to their place to smoke and swim; a weekend tradition for this particular summer. “Front door’s unlocked” read their text; a tree emoji was our response.

It was 10AM.

Quick background on Fran: known her for years; consoled her through her first breakup; she fed me ecstasy for the first time. Lucy’s was her shadow, not in a puppy-follow kind of way; they were (and still are) inseparable good friends.

We swam, smoked, and joked until a cold summer breeze and hunger forced us inside. With all of us too lazy to go out, we ordered take-out and puzzled over what to do for the next 45 minutes.

[MF] whiskey and great conversations

She was leaving town, permanently with no hope of future contact (for reasons, it got complicated) so we booked a sneak-away at a local boutique hotel; did date stuff during the day, and in the evening, post sex glow, she sauntered over to her bag, pulls out a bottle of Laphroaig, pours us both a drink, and we spend the next hour plus sipping and chatting about things.

We were both naked and our conversation was equally revealing in its honesty.

We made love one last time, her lips, a smokey flavor.

Next morning, early, she grabbed a cab and refused my offer for a ride to the airport. “Here is better” she tapped my chest before kissing us goodbye. And just like that she was gone, the only things left of hers, a bottle of whiskey and the memory of great conversation.

I packed my stuff and contemplated leaving it, the bottle, but ended up packing it, and once at home, the bottle sat in my cabinet for months, untouched because of the general humdrum of life things until one evening, while getting ready to settle in, the bottle caught my eye and rewound me back to that evening, that last one with her.