Attempt #1 [MF]

It is our first time. We are both sober and have not drunk fucked.

I am just about to enter you and that moment is of infinite possibility.

But for me It feels like I am standing at the edge of a very high diving platform, looking at the pool’s water so impossibly far away, but I know once I step off, dive in, I will be there, in you, stunningly fast.

I feel you hold me, position me, placing me at you entrance. The heat is radiating from you onto the tip of my penis.

And I will ask “Are you sure?” and she will say, “yes…” and…

The first touch is wet, impossibly warm; I press into you and you solid wall of flesh opens for me. It doesn’t feel like I’m pressing forward, not at first at least, but I am being led. I immediately feel your walls around me; I will be forced to stop moving, but I will not stop the pressure I am are applying steadily into you. I feel your heat increase, feel the wetness and you open further and fall in, fall into you

Bio #1 [MF, cheat]

She was a Canadian Episcopalian. Blonde, tall and blue eyed. Her length at times made here look severe. Married, her husband was sinking into a quagmire of depression that he wasn’t going to climb out of.

And so she started looking. Having run a small business, she knew how make a plan, go over the existing exigencies of her family and proceeded to interview men who responded to her ad.
She had to stop taking applicants when it reached a hundred and with due diligence, she whittled the crowed field into two. The smart/witty one, the dumb but prodigiously packed one; the dichotomies couldn’t be more clear. She had coffee with both; she found both attractive.

And at age 56, Mrs.Smith was going to embark on every fantasy that had played through her thirty years of married and four kids. She loved her husband and her life she led but it had a tremendous hole in the middle that couldn’t be filled.