Hate fucking my ex at work [mf]

Hate (f)ucking (m)y ex at work

Happened a few years ago, while we were both in college. Let’s call her Maya. I really liked Maya—she was gorgeous with brown hair, chocolate eyes, and athletic (yet also had curvy hips). We had been hooking up for about 3 months, and sex with her was like crack; I was addicted. We also happened to work at the same bar together.

It was a summer evening. It was her birthday the night before, but I was out of town, so I decided to surprise during her shift. I walked in and she was talking to the hostess. She saw me and squeaked in surprise in a way I used to find cute; but then I saw it. Her neck was covered in hickies and ineffectively applied makeup. I was livid. I glared at her, and, in a haze, growled out “what the actual fuck.” I marched to the restaurant’s bar, and my boy, who was bartending, hooked it up and commiserated with me.

Ho[m]e Run at the public baseball [f]ield

I was bartending at a decent sized bar in one of the neighborhoods around town. Occasionally, we would let customers stay for “after hours” which was after we closed and the staff would hang out for a few hours drinking, playing poker, or what-not.

It was a normal Saturday night, busy as always and we had a good time drinking and working from behind the bar (was one of the few bars that allowed you to drink behind the bar). Maya had come in a few times and sat near where the bartenders would hang back when it wasn’t slammed.

We hit it off and were chatting whenever I had a free second. I invited her to stay for after hours and she accepted. The kitchen staff and bar staff came to the upstairs bar and we were all drinking beers , playing pool, and just having a grand old time.

Maya asked me to walk her home. We started down the street but only got as far as the baseball diamond across the street before we started making out. She pulled me into the dugout and clothes were quickly discarded. I couldn’t get enough of her. My hands and lips on her skin, her fingers in my hair. The straps of her dress slid off her shoulders as I pulled it down to reveal her B cup breasts. She sat in my lap with her dress hiked up around her waist.

[M]y bosses daughter gets [f]ucked in his wine cellar during a work event

True story with names changed.

I used to work for this rather large company. Our local office however only consisted of about 50 people. At an office of about 50, you get to know your coworkers and bosses pretty well….along with their families…

Every few months we would have some office event to boost morale. In our industry, it was needed to keep employees happy…sort of. This story is about Erin, the biggest moral boost I think I’ve ever had because of one of these events.

Erin was a young fresh faced 21 year old girl whom had just graduated college in New Jersey. Some fancy college which only daddy could pay for. He happened to be a big time partner at our company. She had just returned home for the summer and would be back for about 3 months before she would move back to Jersey for work.

At one of these summer “morale boosting” events, she was lounging in a pretty all white dress that showed off her volleyball body. I had to keep myself from openly staring as her legs went on for days.

“Happy Birthday to me” [M/F] Another Summer Story

Summer and I had a history spanning back several years at this point. We lived in different states but whenever she would come to visit her cousin (my friend) Ashley, I would see her. This is the story of her 21st birthday.

Summer was beautiful. She was a short and gorgeous brunette. She had a dancer's body having spent the majority of her childhood performing, with legs pale and lean. Her face was round, large brown doe-eyes framed by shoulder length brown hair. She was fit no doubt about it and she had the largest breasts I had ever seen, way more than a handful. She was the epitome of innocent beauty. But I knew better. Our first encounter she blew me in public, the next we tried anal in the car during her family dinner…Needless to say, this innocent girl slowly turned into a sexually experienced young woman.

Several years after those encounters, I had lost touch with Summer aside from the occasional text or call on each others birthdays. A week before her 21st she called me out of the blue asking if I was around town as she would be visiting for her 21st birthday. Summer and Ashley had plans to go to a bar/ club by the beach and wanted to know if I was interested. Instantly I had flashbacks of my previous encounters with Summer. Before I realized, I had responded with a yes.

An Innocent’s Gradual Descent: Interrupting Sum[m]er’s [F]amily Dinner

This is part 2 of my true stories relating to Summer. Names have been changed. Sorry this was a little shoddily written.

Since our clandestine blowjob incident as counselors planning a Summer camp, Summer could not get enough of me. She texted me constantly. Every time she was horny she would call and beg me to tell the story as I remember it. We exchanged pictures and grainy videos via email of us naked, posing for one another.

Summer lived two states over but her family and Ashley's family were close and would get together once every 2 or 3 months. Three months after I had seen her I received a text from Summer that simply read: "Be Excited this weekend"

I saw Ashley the next day (her cousin and my close friend who we thought still didn't know about our sexcapades) and asked her what her plans were this weekend. She expressed that she was excited because Summer and her family were coming over for dinner, but was really mad because her and Summer were to share a room on the same night that Ashley was planning on sneaking out. Summer had a reputation of being the "good girl" amongst her family. I however knew that not to be the most accurate description of her anymore.

An Innocent’s Gradual Descent: Sum[m]er [f]un

Heads up, this is going to be a long story with lots of detail. May continue with other memories of Summer later.

The summer before I turned 17 I was a counselor at a summer camp. The weeks leading up to the camp, I got together with all of the other counselors over the weekends to plan some of the events and activities we would be running in a few weeks time. Thats where I first met Summer.

She was a short and gorgeous brunette. She was my good friends cousin and I had been told of her joining out team of counselors. She was a dancer, with legs pale and lean. Her face was round, large brown doe-eyes framed by shoulder length brown hair. She was fit no doubt about it and she had the largest breasts I had ever seen, DDs fit snugly into a rather conservative top. She was the epitome of innocent beauty.

Summer's cousin, Ashley (a good friend of mine), had given me some background in that she had never actually gone to a sleep away camp before but was excited to be staffing one. Summer had moved a couple years prior from South Africa and lived with her family in Colorado.

Good Christian girls wait until marriage…but I’ll take it in the bu[m] [f]or you

I was really good friends with Laura all throughout middle school and high school. We ended up going to the same college together across the country and became even closer. She was a pretty religious girl and hung out with pretty religious friends who I ended up getting decently close with.

Her room mate sophomore year was this gorgeous blonde named Melanie. Mel was about 5'4" C cup breasts and a thin yet remarkably curvy figure. She was rather flirty and whenever I would come by their apartment she would flirt heavily with me. I had always thought she was joking because she was dating one of the biggest guys on the football team. So, naturally I assumed it was with everyone. One more thing about Mel…She was kind of bitchy. She looked down on a lot of people and had a certain air about her. The kind of "I'm a hot Christian girl that will tease you until you beg…then do nothing because I'm saving myself" air about her.

My [F]avorite and [F]irst Ho[m]ecoming Dance

I posted earlier with a different story about Polly and I (under a different username…don't ask)…But this story is a couple months later with two different girls. Be warned this is going to be long.

I was a junior in high school and had never attended a school dance. Not that I thought I was too cool or any of that, I just didn't really have all that much of an interest the first two years. I was always working or hanging with friends. One year I was invited by this girl I had been flirting with for a while, Jennifer.

Jennifer was rather tall, tan, light brown hair down to her middle back, South African with a slight accent and stunningly gorgeous set of blue/green eyes. She had long shapely legs that caused me to almost turn to putty when she was around and lastly her boobs. Eeeh Gods they were perfect!

Needless to say, I had a rather large crush on her. She went to our rival high school and was a swimmer there. We met when we were young through our parents and were never really all that close until we ran into each other a few weeks before homecoming season when her family came over to mine for dinner and we reconnected.