Passionate friendship with an older woman [MF]

* Preface – So I’ve been a longtime lurker in this sub. I have swayed back and forth on sharing my experiences, but finally decided to start. Not only to share, but also to solidify my memories and spend some time revisiting them in detail. I was only in long-term relationships in HS and Uni. Then, I discovered adult dating sites right as they hit their stride in the early 2000s, and it certainly led to many wonderful memories and friendships.

* I’ve seen a few things that turn people off in this sub, so I’ll be clear here: names will be changed, I’m always safe but mention of protection is left out unless it was important to that encounter, and there’s no reason to embellish as reality was fantasy enough for me. I will break stories apart for brevity’s sake, but never hold follow-up parts hostage just for attention and feedback. They’re coming.

*Season 1 – Lani*