A brief excerpt from my vampire erotica. I’m still new at this, how is it? [MF] [VAMP]

Draghici pulled me off his dick like I weighed nothing more than a pillow. He got on top of me again, face-to-face. I felt his fingers find my soaking-wet pussy and begin to play with it. He knew I could cum again, but I sensed it in his black and red eyes that he wanted to make it something really special.

“T-thank you, m-master,” I stammered and gasped, “For, taking, me …”

“Shhh, little Sorina, my bride, shhh …”

I felt his cold breath on my neck. Then, I felt the piercing of his canines into my warm, rose-scented flesh. They penetrated deep, drawing blood that flowed down my neck and onto my shoulder in a beautiful warm, red, cascade.

My life-force surged through my body to where he penetrated my vein, and he began to take it into himself.

He deserved it, he deserved every drop, I was the prey, and he was the predator, the worthy, worthy predator…

His fingers continued to do their work as he sucked me dry.

Another supernatural erotica excerpt: Lovecraftian tentacle monsters!

Let me know what you all think of these. ;) I like writing a wide variety of weird sexy stuff.

"I could no longer see Shirley, as she'd been taken beneath the waves, but before I could think, it was my turn. I felt the wet smack of a tentacle against my foot, and then felt it wrap like a quick-growing vine up around my leg to my inner-thigh. It felt shockingly warm, and tingly, and I realized that the little suction cups on it provided this pleasurable sensation.

I got another tentacle on my other leg, and too was soon dragged beneath the waves. I panicked instinctively for a moment, but then a psychic message calmed me down. It wasn't precisely words, but, it communicated a tremendous feeling of calm and safety.

It was quiet under water, where I realized I'd been dragged out farther from the shore than I'd even thought. I could see the great yellow eyes of the creature, which glowed like suns and filled me with warmth despite the cold water.

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An excerpt from my story about an incubus. [mf] [supernatural]

I've written in other genres for a while, but am new to erotica. I always come feedback. Please message me if you're interested in reading more of my work, I can post links to books and such. I hope you enjoy this excerpt! (More direct contact with the talking, fully visible incubus comes in the scene right after this.)

"I opened my briefcase on the bed, took out my camera, and took some photos. First regular photos, then infrared. I took some temperature readings: normal at every point, if I assumed that the house had been retrofitted with central air conditioning, as it felt like it did. I took out my trusty digital tape recorder, flipped the switch, and spoke clearly into it:

'My name is Jane Blutsausen, the date is July sixteenth, and this is recording one of my investigation–'

I yelped and fell onto the bed as a sudden shock of energy hit my hand. The plastic recorder clattered to the floor.

“Hello?” I said, looking into the mirror, my heart accelerating.