[MFF] How a treat turned into a three-sum.

All participants in this fun adventure are in in thirties, and names have been changed for privacy! Also I’m very hungover today and recovering from the evens derailed below so apologies if this reads badly.

So I’ve been having a bit of a shit time of it recently, a lot of life kicking me whilst I’m down. I’m also lucky enough to have a wonderful, amazing gf who decided she wanted to cheer me up a little with a nice meal out and a hotel room to relax and be together for the night.

Thursday rolled around and I head into town to meet my gf, Jen, and her husband – I can get socially anxious and awkward at times with people I’ve not got to fully know and this was only my third time meeting Chris properly. He must’ve been feeling much the same because when I joined them at our table there was already a round of cocktails that had been ordered, swiftly followed by another round.