Still Tangled Between Bri and Emily (My Girlfriend’s Daughter Part 2) [MF]

*Bri and I dive headfirst into out secret affair. Previous parts of the story can be found* [*here*](


The next few days were so hazy for me. All I could think about was the time I had spent with Bri. Every time I closed my eyes, I visualized her body. The way she touched herself, spoke to me in that hushed, dirty tone…make me cum. I was starting to zone out at work. I would get impromptu erections sitting at my desk. I even caught myself mindlessly rubbing myself one evening as I sat at my kitchen table eating a sandwich. I was like a middle school kid who had just reached second base for the first time.

My girlfriend’s daughter showed me exactly what she wanted [MF]

*Sorry it’s a little lengthy, but I think the story needed some background to make it worth it. Hope you enjoy*

I met her at the gym in late summer. Emily was that woman who’s doing squats every time you see her. Slim but strong, dressed in all black leggings and a sports bra, and two braids down her back. I know the golden rule of “don’t try to talk to women at the gym because it’s creepy,” so I had accepted my fate of admiring from afar forever until one day Emily actually struck up a conversation with *me*. She asked about basketball the day I wore my Charlotte Hornets shirt (I found out later she doesn’t even like basketball that much, but just needed an excuse to talk)

Fast forward a few months, and we’re an official couple. I learned a few things about Emily I never would’ve predicted. She was 35, and back when I was only admiring her at the gym I had guessed she was in her early 20s. I had no problem dating a woman ten years older than me, and I actually welcomed the maturity she brought to the relationship