An exhaustingly long story about sexual tension in the workplace.

I’m 33 years old and work for a start up company. It’s a typical start up work culture: creative problem solving, bar in the break room, CEO wears sneakers… you get the picture.

Everyone that works in the office is either (a.) young (b.) beautiful or (c.) young and beautiful. On top of that, there is so much flirting that goes on in the office that I’m half expecting this years Christmas party to be hosted at sex club for an orgy. Ok ok, I’m over exaggerating about the Christmas party part but there is definitely a great deal of flirting that happens on a daily basis. It’s palpable in the air.

I, for the most part, don’t take part in any of my job’s extra curricular activities because I’m married BUT… there is one girl I work with I have an immense connection with. For the sake of the story we will call her Sara. Sara is 25, fresh out of grad school, smart and extremely witty. She’s Latina, on the lower half of 5 foot, she has wavy, black hair that touches her shoulders, she’s chubby but carries most of it on her hips and breasts. She’s fucking adorable. She’s fucking sexy. She drives me nuts. The good nuts not the bad nuts.