I gave my roommate’s crush a lesson in choking pt 2/2 [FF]

This story continues from [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/115hgz4/i_gave_my_roommates_crush_a_lesson_in_choking_pt/).

Her second and third test were more of the same: on her back, mounted, and slowly getting choked. As we continued it became obvious to me that she was getting increasingly aroused. At first she was embarrassed, and apologized the first time she let out an obvious moan. “Don’t be,” I replied. “Arguably, turning you on is the goal. You don’t need to worry about me taking things beyond what we’ve discussed without your explicit verbal consent. And besides,” I finished mischievously, “you’re hardly the only person who is aroused right now.”

She relaxed and we continued. For the fourth run, she wanted to try something different. “You’re sure I can masturbate?” She asked skeptically. “This is a college dorm room, not a massage parlor” I pointed out. That got a chuckle, and then she stripped off her leggings. She wasn’t wearing any underwear, and her pussy glistened in the candlelight. As she passed me her leggings, I felt a large damp spot in them as well.

I gave my roommate’s crush a lesson in choking pt. 1 [FF]

My university had an underground student club about sex and sex instruction. We ran some workshops and handed out condoms and shit like that in public, but we also had a much more… hands on private side. We provided a safe space for people to experiment with sex and kink, with clean equipment and experienced people on-hand to assist if there was any danger. Sometimes people came with partners, sometimes they came alone. I was a (for lack of a better word) “instructor” in more extreme D/s stuff.

Elle was a close friend of my flatmate’s. They ran a religious group on campus together, and regularly held Bible study groups at our place. She was also a regular at dinner parties we would throw, getting irresponsibly wasted and moderately flirty with other guests (and my flatmate) before backing off because she had a boyfriend. The boyfriend’s name changed often enough that it wasn’t worth remembering… the primary requirements for dating her seemed to be having a dick and being a dick. However she had a strict rule about not dating friends and not hooking up outside relationships. My flatmate took this in stride, but I knew he wanted her.

[Group] My best friend watched me receive oral, then cuddled me as I orgasmed

Kate is one of my best friends. We met in one of those bizarre, fated kind of ways. We happened to go to a board game bar at the same time because we both home from college and feeling lonely. We got paired together, started talking, and suddenly three hours had past before we had even opened the box. We left to grab food, and I invited her over to hang out more afterward. It’s New Year’s Eve, and she invites me to a new age-y New Years party that she got roped into going to with her mother. It was a hell of a good time, and we sat together at a bonfire and talked about everything from philosophy to kinks to emotional trauma. By the time we stopped hanging out that first time, 33 hours had past, we had slept on a couch together, and we nearly had sex.

In the two years between meeting and this story, we continued to be incredibly intimate and continued to not have sex. We have slept in the same bed often, are not shy about telling each other we love each other, and have platonically kisses on the lips once. But it’s the kind of deeply intimate relationship where adding sex inorganically would almost cheapen it, if that makes sense. If we decided in the moment we really wanted to I’m sure we would, but that hasn’t happened yet and I don’t particularly expect it to.

I was the best birthday gift a girl could ask for [FF]

By my second year of college, I was already widely known as a massive slut. I didn’t realize this until a woman named Ally contacted me out of the blue and asked me if she could give me to her girlfriend, Hannah, as a present. As far as I am aware, I had never met either of them before in my life.

Ally and Hannah were fourth years and high school sweet hearts. They had an exclusive and kinky relationship, but Hannah wanted to do something different one last time before they got married over the summer. Hence me, the slut hired to do whatever Hannah wanted. Well, I say “hired,” but really it didn’t occur to me to ask for anything in return. Fortunately Ally would take pity on me and pay me back in the future, but that’s a story for another day.

So one day I get a text from a number I don’t recognize saying

> Hey, my name is Ally. I don’t think we’ve met, but I used to be in [student club I am in]. Daniel thought you might be able to help me arrange a special present for my girlfriend. Would you be interested in being a birthday present 😉