I [m] fucked my [f] ormer student after the bar

This story took place about 7 years when I was 31. I had worked at the local high school about 8 years prior 2007-2008. I was about 23 then. I worked as basically a hall monitor/security guard (low pay/easy work). It had never crossed mind to even have inappropriate thoughts about any students, even though I was only 5 to 8 years older then them. Some of the girls would be extra friendly/flirtatious but I never gave them the time of day. It was inappropriate and unprofessional.

Fast forward to 2015, I was out at a local bar and I run into a couple of the girls who were freshman when I worked at the school. I was there with other friends and was having a pretty good time. A real good time because I blacked out. Next thing I know I come to and I’m at home with these former students who are 22-23 years old now. In my horny drunken mind I was going to have a 3 some. I told them they could both go lay on my bed. They did and I followed a short time later. I layed down with them. They are both beautiful 23 year old women. I started making out with one and the other said if you two are going to do this I’m heading out. She left and went in the other room.