Ellie’s unexpected encounter. [MFF]

I was on my way back home from school having to cut through various alleyways so as to avoid being mugged and raped in this hell hole of a city, murders and thievery are so common here I always keep a can of pepper spray on me but anything can happen in this city when the height of these buildings force us to live in the shadows; I was walking my usual route which involves cutting through a few alleyways before I feel comfortable enough walking the main straight back to my house, when I passed by the usual restaurant with the usual dishwasher cursing the head chef as he takes out the spilling trash bags everything seemed pretty normal until a sharp whistle shot through the air “Heeyyyy pumpkiiinn! Whatcha doin’ walkin’ around in a lil’ skirt like that!” “Must be waitin’ for the janitor to snatch her up!” “Maybe she’s headin’ to uncle Roy’s place!” “Maybe daddy’s got a thing for his lil’ girl!” “Is that it, pumpkin? Daddy got you wearin’ his favorite skirt for em’?” “Oh, come on, baby! You can be my lil’ baby girl all you want, I’ll make sure you get all the attention you deserve!” “Awww, come on, baby, I’ll be your daddy from now on, I’ll protect you baby!” It was a group of clowns with bad makeup and an even worse sense of fashion, I couldn’t get a good count of how many of them there were, as soon as they started flicking their tongues and humping the air I bolted out of the alley, they howled and hooted at me as they set off to chase me down, I go down the Main Street but traffics busy so I cut the corner the my right, lights and horns whirl into one another, screaming for help but nobody listens, nobody messes with these guys, I cut into another alley hoping to lose them, I can hear them shouting for me, I pull down whatever I can to the ground to slow them down, they’re hot on my tail, my heart’s way ahead of my feet, Im running out of breath, I make a move to cut a corner only to swept away in the arms of one of the clowns grabbing me by the waist, I kick my legs and pound his back screaming “Somebody help!!! Please!! Somebodyyyy!!! Ugh!” He slams me up against the wall, I reach for my pepper spray but they grab my wrist and pry it out of my hands, I close my eyes and look at the ground praying to god he hears me, one of the clowns blurts out to me “aww, don’t look so down babe’s, we’ll take real good care uh’ya, you can even call me daddy!” They all burst into laughter, my face turns sour trying to hold back the tears and that’s when I hear his voice pierce through us all, our spines shuddering like a breeze through trees “What’s this all about! Why must I be disturbed?!” His voice high in pitch and scratchy in texture I’ve only ever heard stories of him but from the looks on the clowns faces they’ve clearly fucked, “Uhh, we was jus playin’ with a lil’ piece, boss, see? She ain’t nothin’-“ he cuts him off “Nothing! Apparently it’s enough to ruin my beauty sleep! Since when do you have any right to tell me the value of such things!” “Uh-boss I swear I din’t mean nothin’ by it, we was jus playing with a lil’ meat we happen t’ see passin’ by-“ **“AND MY PEACE IS TO BE SACRIFICED FOR YOUR DEGENERACY!”** “Uh-I’m sorry boss! I’m sor-“ PAWP! The entire skull of the clown pops like a balloon, gallons of blood and the residue of shattered skull and meat slapping against the pavement, his fallen body twitching for the mercy of god, my entire body jolts with static shooting through me in every direction at once, the other clowns shudder but they know better than to run off “The last thing I need is a pathetic-sorry-little sap! As for the rest of you out of my sight, **NOW!” “YES BOSS!”**