He was the owner. [MF]

Unlike most people, I like to celebrate alone. I got selected into my dream university that too with a scholarship!! Cheers to mee.

I was walking home from a friend’s birthday on the same day I had received the email about my selection. It was a very good day to say the least. While walking I came across a bar whose name was so so so close to my heart since it was my favorite piece to read and also the very first piece I had read of that artist.

The bouncer checked my ID and let me in. And the view was no less than what I had expected it to be.

To be very honest, it was my first time in a bar like ever and that too I was alone. I had always restricted myself to enter a bar but I decided to fuck it that day.

The music was loud and the vibrations went through me and it felt good. I can’t believe I missed out on this but cut me some slack, I’m just 21.