stupid asian guy (me) gets hot white girl

I’m in my thirties now, but thought it would be fun to share some of my stories from the past. Hopefully someone can find it funny, informative or just entertaining. A bit about myself. I’m asian, love white girls, mostly dated asian girls because that seems to be all I can get. I’m jealous of tall people and especially white guys that easily get white girls.

When I was around 24 years old, I was throwing house parties every 2-4 weeks. I rent a room in a house with my brother and cousins. One of us had this gifted ridiculous traditional red and black chinese shirt, and we joked around that if any of us have sex in the house, then that person needs to wear the shirt afterwards.

Each party we had an email signup sheet to collect email addresses from new guests, so they could be invited to the next party.

I had a couple of gal friends that I kept as just friends. I hoped the gal friends would indirectly be wing-men during my parties. One of them was named Jen. She had a pretty face, but she was a bit chubby. No boobs to make up for that weight either. Not much in brains either.