Last week I found my way to a video challenging the viewer to edge and masturbate for about half an hour. I decided to take on the challenge as I felt that when pleasuring myself I went about it too quickly. It was harder than I had expected, I repeatedly disobeyed the instructions to stop myself from finishing too early. But once the 30 minutes had elapsed, and I was allowed to cum, I felt great and more cum than usual amount came out too.
After that I did similar challenges everytime I masturbated, and I was getting better each time. Then tonight I decided to take it a huge step further and masturbate for three times as long. I slid my hands up and down my shaft obeying the instructions to go slow or fast, to edge or stop. As time went by it became harder and harder to go on and the slow strokes made me almost lose it just as much as the fast ones, and all of this before I was even a quarter way through the video. I became more and more sensitive and was almost in agony by the time I had reached the halfway mark. But still I managed to make it through an hour, and then there were only a dozen minutes left to go, not long ago that was the time I would usually last. Once those minutes had elapsed and I could finally release myself a wave of pure ecstasy washed over me and my chest became covered in my own hot cum. I sunk back into my chair relieved and euphoric with a smile on my face.