[MF] Cockwarming Comfort After Her Dad’s Funeral

My wife recently lost her father. Nice guy. Bit of a racist right-wing gun nut, but frequently forgot that he was a conservative and espoused radical ideas like “who cares who someone marries?” (I think) just to freak me out.

Being the senior son-in-law, a lot of the funeral stuff ended up in my lap. I had to arrange the memorial service, take care of a TON of paperwork (who knew dying had so many fucking forms!), set up the wake, and be sort of an “emcee of death” for the family. It was exhausting, but of course not nearly as awful as it was for my wife and her mom & sisters.

The final gathering of family members petered out around 2AM. My sisters in law both stayed in their mom’s home, but my wife and I went back to our hotel. I wasn’t expecting- or even thinking about- sex that night, but after about half an hour of hugging “spoon-fashion,” she rolled over and started kissing me, crying the whole time. A few minutes later, she started scooting down the bed, kissing my chest and stomach along the way.

[MF] How to Properly be Woken Up by a Blowjob

**How to Properly be Woken Up by a Blowjob**

It’s every man’s fantasy, isn’t it? Being woken up by a blowjob? Maybe you’re one of the lucky ones, and someone has done this for you. You wake up and look down, and there’s your wife or girlfriend bobbing up and down on your junk, doing her best to bring you off. “This is the life,” you think. “It couldn’t get better than this.”

I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong. It *can* get better than that. First of all, the entire premise is a mistake. You don’t want to be *woken up* by a blowjob. In fact, done properly, you shouldn’t be awake for much of it at all.

This is how it works in my house:

First, my wife’s phone vibrates from where it’s hidden under her pillow. It’s early. Five AM. She set the alarm last night without telling me, because she likes it to be a surprise. Ever so slowly, she rolls over and skootches down under the covers. Making as little noise and jostling me and the bed as little as possible, she finds my sleeping cock and slowly sucks the whole thing into her mouth. Then she eases her head down until she’s resting in my lap and goes back to sleep.

[MF] – Experimenting with “cum-on-food” kink

A long time ago, I ran into something new: a “cum on food” fetish, which is where a dude jizzes on regular food items and his partner then eats it as if it were a normal thing to do. I don’t know why, but it struck me as a little silly. I told my wife about it, more jokingly than otherwise. But she (as usual) decided it was more fun to tease me about it by saying that the only reason I mentioned it was because I wanted her to do it for me.

I’m not good with being teased, especially when the person doing the teasing is partially right about it. So I turned it around and told her that the only reason she was making fun of me was that SHE wanted to do it herself.

Then we had one of those “do YOU want to?” … “well I don’t know- do YOU?” … “well if YOU wanted to” … “I suppose it might be fun to try, as a laugh…” moments that couples have. The “ha ha ha, what if we did anal sex, wouldn’t that be hilarious?” sort of thing that ends up with you finding out you’re both into anal but didn’t want to admit it to the other person because you thought they’d think you were a freak.