A Great Campus Tour [MF]

After a good response on the first story, thought I’d share another one from my East Coast days.

This is another college memory, from when I was a sophomore, around 20.

I used to work a part-time job on campus doing tours for prospective students and parents who came to see the school. Usually it was once or twice a week, during the spring, I would take a group from the campus center on a 30-45 minute walking tour around the college, telling them about the different buildings, departments, dorms and so on.

Usually these tours would be on Saturday mornings or afternoons, when I was hungover and I’d put on a smile, smoke a bit and try to finish them off as soon as possible. It was usually overenthusiastic parents or high school kids, so nothing too exciting.

One Saturday morning, I am at the campus center where the group is gathered, the admissions lady introduces me, and I start the tour for about 15 people. Mostly they are parents and their high schoolers, though there are two or three kids who are there alone as well.

The MILF from work [MF]

I’ve been quite horny recently and rediscovered some memories in an account that I got locked out of. I’m going to post some of them over the next few weeks. A little background – I’m now 31, M, tall-ish (5’11) and brown. I’ve lived in a few different countries and most of these stories are from years ago.

In this one – I was around 21/ 22, and had just graduated college on the East Coast. I had an internship in the summer of my junior year with a firm. There was a receptionist/ admin lady at the firm, let’s call her J, who helped us with paperwork, scheduling and various things around the office. She was about 30, blonde shortish hair, 5’5 or so, with a nice round ass and big B or C cups. Not exactly an hourglass figure, but not far off either. She was very friendly and we’d chatted a few times during the internship and even smoked with a few other colleagues after work a couple of times.