The haunted house in Connecticut (Part-1) [MF]

Joan was alone in the house that night, her husband Mike had to catch the last New York flight of the day as his firm had called the conference at eleventh hour. Joan had never stayed all alone in her life and didn’t want him to go but she also understood how important his career was for their future.

Their house was the last one in the lane, only deep and deserted woods started from there. Joan liked peaceful places where she could enjoy her writing work and that had factored into their decision to buy the house two months ago. But now, Joan was dreading being all alone in her bedroom in the midst of a quiet night. To distract herself, Joan decided to check her WhatsApp messages.

But as soon as she turned to fetch for her phone, Joan trembled in fright as she saw a shadow in the cupboard mirror. But a moment later, it was no longer there. Joan shut her eyes tightly and convinced herself that it was all her imagination. She started thinking about what Mike must be doing right now, had he checked into the flight already? Joan slowly started drifting into sleep.

Aarthi and the “Yaksha” child [mF inc]

*Genre: Horror,Romance,Erotica*

*Note: Yakshas are mystical demonic beings in Indian mythology who are known to possess people and even appear in deceptive forms.*

Aarthi Srinivasan was a young woman in her late 20s who lived in a small village in Tamil Nadu, India. Despite several years of marriage with her husband, Rajesh, Aarthi was unable to bear a child and this was a matter of great tension in her family. So one fine day, when Aarthi did her pregnancy test and found it to be positive, her happiness knew no bounds! Glad with the occasion, Aarthi and Rajesh decided to visit Lord Murugan’s temple in their village to take divine blessings.

After they reached the temple, the priests were already busy doing an exorcism ritual as one of the villagers seem to have been possessed by a yaksha. Upon inquiry, they found that the yaksha in question was very dangerous and had marked their village for causing devastation, he had claimed three lives in the village already. But thankfully, the head priest was competent enough to have conquered the demonic entity and locked him at the pond besides the temple entrance.