Christmas With a Demon [F20] [Succubus] [Summoning] [Lesbian] [Partly Exhibitionism] [Fictional]

The flurries of snow danced wildly around the frozen window of Rayne’s apartment as she lazily twirled the blinds cord in her fingers. Winter break had started nearly a week ago, and while Rayne enjoyed the break from her studies, it could really only last for so long before she began to get bored. All her friends were away with their families, and the constant snow outside was enough to keep her confined to her home anyways. She would have liked to see her parents, it wasn’t like she hated them or anything, but she highly doubted she could afford transportation halfway across the country, especially this close to the holidays. For now, the best she could do was have every-other-day video calls with them, something they still greatly appreciated from what she could tell. Rayne idly traced patterns onto the frozen window, the cold from outside condensing on the window again mere seconds after she began, covering any of the designs she had just created. She laughed slightly, sitting up and wheeling her chair back to her desk at one end of the room. and strolled over to her bed, collapsing onto the soft mattress. Rayne sighed as she stared up at the dark gray ceiling above her, trying to think of anything she could possibly do.

A Discovery in Summoning [F20] [Tentacles] [Magic] [Summoning] [Fictional]

The day was just as normal as any other as Rayne walked down the stone pathways of the university campus. She had just gotten done with a full day of classes, most of which left her feeling unbelievably tired. The beginning of the semester was always the hardest for her, with being out of practice at waking up at certain times, as well as actually having to do work again,

Rayne rarely found time to herself as classes started up again. As she took out her phone, a cool breeze blew across her exposed stomach and legs, causing her to shiver, messing up her password. Yet another reminder that the summer’s heat was gradually ebbing away. Successfully unlocking her phone on the second attempt, she lazily scrolled through it, finding nothing of interest to entertain her as she walked home. She sighed and slipped the phone back into the pocket of her black pleated skirt, and kept walking. Eventually she diverged from the path, cutting into one of the small patches of woods around the college. As she ducked over branches and stepped over fallen tree trunks, she didn’t notice one of the branches sticking up from the ground. As she stepped a stump, the branch poked directly into her crotch, causing Rayne to let out a small “Ah!”

An Accidental Night of Aphrodisiac [M27/F29] [Aphrodisiac] [Femdom]

[(exposition if u want)](

The cool summer breeze felt amazing on Octavia’s sweat-tinged skin as she stood on the deck of The Nautilus. They had just come back from another job, some forest elves who kept getting things stolen from them asked the two air pirates to “politely” relieve the neighbors of their stolen goods. Overall it was fairly easy, the sheer size difference between the two adult humans and the adult elves made it clear who would come out on top in a fight, and they ended up back at the forest elf camp a few hours after they started. The elves paid really well actually, they received more gold from that job than they did from maybe 3 other jobs combined, as well as a few keepsakes the elves packed for them.

“Storm’s coming” Zero’s soft voice broke Octavia from her thoughts.

“Yeah?” Octavia asked, turning to face him while looking up at the sky. “Not really seein’ any storm clouds though” She remarked.

“It’s the air pressure,” Zero replied. “It’s been steadily dropping over the last few hours.”

“We haven’t been on this ship for the last few hours,” Octavia laughed. “How would you know?”

Experiments in Aphrodisiac [M/F] [Bondage] [Aphrodisiac] [Femdom]

([Part 1]( ([Exposition](

Octavia sat idly in her desk chair, occasionally fiddling with certain objects on her desk. Pens, paperweights, an old bottle cork, whatever. She was so bored.

The two hadn’t received a job in weeks, and while at first they enjoyed their days off, they soon realized there was absolutely nothing to do. They tried a few times to go to the mainland, but with war brewing on the horizon most of the places worth seeing were barred from outsiders, and while they tried to explain they were both from Withervale, the fact that they technically lived outside of the country was enough to force them away. The only area they could go to was the Central Heulwen Market, the chaotic nature of which was the exact opposite of what they were looking for. So they sat on The Nautilus, unable to go anywhere else, bored out of their minds.

Octavia groaned and stood up, pacing around the room looking for something to do. As she strolled across the room, she noticed a small pink object tucked into the corner underneath a few other miscellaneous items. Curious, she walked over and pushed the items aside, revealing a crystal glass bottle, filled with bright pink liquid, and a small heart engraved near the top. Octavia’s heart skipped a beat, recognition flashing through her head at the sight. A smile spread across her face. Perhaps she wouldn’t be bored for much longer.