Hey guys and galls! I’m back for more posting about my break adventures. Something I didn’t mention on my last post is how dramatic my physical change was after my baby, I went from 32C – 26 – 42 to 34DDD – 28 – 45.5 . So a lot of booty and a lot of tiddies. Also, I’m not divorced, still married and neither of us have asked each other about our hooking up, I’m not sure he has, he’s been on some long business trips and his mom moved to help me with the baby for a bit.
So the fact that my mother-in-law babysat my baby helped me get some mommy time. I hooked up with my sister’s bf a couple of times after my first post, I will detail those in another post. The thing is I felt like I was borrowing his bf way too much already, he basically fucked me twice in a week. I was really curious about what he thought of me, but that’s for another post.