Tumbledown Falls – A Choose Your Own Misadventure [F-POV][Rape][Monsters][Slavery]

Author’s Notes:

Hello, adventurers! I hope the moderators of this fine subreddit will humor me, in that this is an entire collection of posts that only eventually get erotic, but this starting page isn’t one of them. I threw the other pages onto a different subreddit just to avoid cluttering up r/eroticliterature with posts that are just decision points and such.

This is a short, vaguely coherent series of misadventures for you, the reader, to explore as a fresh-faced female adventurer, ready to tackle the world and make it a safer place.

Spoiler alert: you’re pretty unlikely to succeed.

While there’s *technically* one “good” ending, that’s not exactly the point of this, and there are eight endings in all including that one. Now, if you’re impatient, you don’t have to try to figure out what path leads to which. I’m not your boss, so you can just go to the subreddit where all the choice posts are and read out-of-order to your heart’s content.

Feel free to leave comments on any post that you like (or didn’t like), or just an upvote/downvote for how you feel about it. Just remember that this is all just a big personal project, so please be kind (unlike the characters in the story).

Mara, at Death’s Doorstep [M/F]

Marasillia pah d’Entalis had been scouting the hideout for a tenday before she decided to act. A single brute guarded the door that had seen no fewer than five of the city’s most-wanted felons come and go. Claiming any one of their heads would have paid her expenses for a full year, but doing so certainly would have spooked the rest and sent them to ground.

No, she wanted them all at once. She had to be patient, but ready.

There. The guard rotated out–one thug for another outside a nondescript, back-alley door. She’d never risked being close enough to hear them talk, so she’d given them names in her head to help keep them straight. Ludo, Spot, Cornelius, Porgy. This one–Goldy–was a hulking beast of a dragonborn, seemingly far more dragon than man. He took up his position near the door and leaned back, folding arms that were each as thick around as Mara’s waist. The next shift wouldn’t be out for three hours, down to the minute. That was her window of opportunity, and she’d be damned to Avernus if she squandered it now.

Taken During the Full Moon [M/F, Werewolf, NC]

She wakes as the sparse blanket is ripped away from her, leaving her naked to the cold air and hard, wooden floor. Her mind urges her to flee, an instinct of pure fear amidst a cloud of grogginess, but she’s both too slow and too resigned for either fight or flight. She had long ago learned that the sheer gulf in their strength and their statures was insurmountable, and so she positions herself to receive him as painlessly as possible. With any luck, it would be one of the quick nights.

Lifting herself onto all fours, she fights against her sluggish limbs to get into position herself before she’s forced into it instead. High overhead, she knows, the full moon shines down, like the eye of some perverted god watching his minion punish her.

The beast’s presence looms over and behind her, a ragged breathing that she can’t look at, doesn’t dare look at. Coarse fur presses against her raised ass a moment before she feels that same fur cover her back as the creature gets itself into position. The werewolf enters her from behind, as it always does. Dry and unaroused, her body resists fruitlessly as the beast’s self-lubricated cock splits her lips with ease, penetrating with a glancing blow that causes her to cry out in pain. The creature doesn’t notice, or doesn’t care.

Roomies [MF][nc]

She’s passed out on the couch when I get home. Doesn’t even wake up as I put my things away, but the TV’s still on, so that’s no surprise. T-shirt, panties. Arms and legs sprawled every which way, red hair frizzled and doing its best to escape a ponytail. She keeps herself groomed, but I can still see enough peeking out to know that the carpet matches the drapes.

Celia’s a heavy sleeper and a good roommate. Never had a problem sharing with me before, so I figure she won’t mind a little of that now.

Tits up, she’s snoring softly with her mouth dangling open. Tempting as that might be, I don’t want her to wake up with her teeth around my cock.

There’s not much grace to what I do. I grab her by the hips, scoot her ass over to the edge of the couch cushions, and move her legs apart. I know in pornos they’re always wearing sexy panties (or none at all), but honestly, seeing her in these everyday ones is so much better, so much more real.

Well, cause it is, I guess.