The Nephew. First erotica by Old Gator ??

U.S. Army Master Sargent (retired) Dan Lewis pulled his RV onto the spot in the campground right outside of New Orleans that he had just rented late in the afternoon. He had retired from the army three months ago and was now free, single and with no responsibilities. His wife of twenty-eight years had divorced him several years back to ‘go find herself’ and the Judge had given her their house and half their savings. Dan had moved onto the base in Texas then and had lived in the NCO barracks until his retirement. Both of their kids were grown and out of college. His daughter living in Miami and was working as a resident Doctor at a hospital there and his son was in Atlanta making a name for himself at the law firm that had hired him right out of Law School. Dan had bought his new RV as soon as he retired and his plan was to do one lap around America and then decide from what he saw, where he wanted to settle down.