28/43 [FM] A bored and ignored (and annoyed) afternoon fucking.

Just came back from having sex with this super annoying guy. Are there any men that are into this kink? Where (I believe there is even a whole subreddit dedicated to this kind of sex) where one partner (usually the woman) is bored and then in turn ignores the other (typically the man) (I believe that is what the subreddit is called – bored and ignored) but in spite of this, they still partake in sexual activities.

I have no idea when this became a kink of mine, and it’s sometimes hard to find the right man to pursue this with, (because when I show signs of being bored or annoyed, men will stop pursuing me) *however*, every now and then, I’ll meet up with a man, who is pretty persistent in having sex despite me showing the typical signs of being bored and annoyed.

Bored and ignored, (or at least the current understanding I have of it) is where one partner displays typical behavior of being bored, and while doing so, is ignoring the other. However, (for me) there is also an added element of being annoyed. Like despite being genuinely excited for the sex, I’ll still show the typical signs of being annoyed (eye rolling, moving away as he tries kissing me, looking generally displeased all around).