Sex with my Ex-Girlfriend’s BFF -[MF] – (Part 4 – Finale)

Disclaimer: There are more cute bits to this post than sexy bits. If you want to start at the sex, scroll down. If you have read my previous posts, the story between Mandy [F24] and I [M24] continues. Sam (my ex-girlfriend), has become a long-forgotten thought as we are into March 2021.

7:30 AM.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

If I had ever found the default iPhone alarm annoying, this morning was a nightmare. For one, I had barely caught a wink of sleep for the last 2 days. It wasn’t anything dirty, but rather I was involved in teaching a class for an NGO back in my homeland. The second reason is much simpler, yet oddly complex. I had the most beautiful girl cuddled up in my arms, with her holding me tightly while both her arm and her leg are on top of me. Even through the blinds, a glimmer of sunshine had snuck in and landed on her perfect face. Who would want to leave that in the morning, right?

Sex with ex-girlfriend’s Best Friend – Part 3 [MF]

If you have been keeping up with my previous posts, you may have read about my breakup with Sam [F23] following a night with her best friend, Mandy [F24]. I’m expanding a little bit more on how our relationship changed since Christmas.

New Years Eve

Usually NYE is an amazing sight at Niagara Falls. In my 8 years of living in Canada, I’d never missed celebrating a NYE there. The fireworks and the lighting is a work-of-art and I urge everyone to experience this once in their lifetime.
However, this year, with COVID, as well as the recent termination of my relationship, I chose to stay-in at home, and run an all-day Harry Potter marathon by myself. Not gonna lie, at that time, I needed that more than I realized. It was almost therapeutic, and I felt better as the day rolled on.

At midnight, I heard the fireworks going off outside and people yelling “Happy New Year” in unison. I looked outside the balcony and saw the most spectacular view of fireworks going off over Lake Ontario. Soon enough, I was back into my Harry Potter marathon.

Cheating with my Girlfriend’s Best Friend – Part 2 [MF]

Boxing Day [M24/F24]

I couldn’t sleep the entire night. Mandy was holding my hand. The guilt had taken over completely and I was just laying in my own thoughts.

At the break of dawn, I went into the kitchen. The sun was rising over this snowy paradise. I knew that soon I’d have to look into my Sam’s eyes and be conflicted with myself.
Mandy woke up first, as I was preparing breakfast. She looked at me, and came and kissed me on the cheek. I wasn’t sure what she thought was going on, but we definitely were in two different states of mind.

I coyly asked, “Mands, what did you wanna tell me?”

She looked at me sheepishly, and replied slowly, “You should know your girl wasn’t entirely faithful”

My curiosity grew, and so did my anger. I asked, “What do you mean?”

Cheating with my Girlfriend’s Best Friend [FM]

Christmas Night Fun [M24/F24]

I [M24] have been going over this multiple times before posting it. I understand the moral concerns that come with the story but please refrain from discussing your opinions with me regarding the matter.

Despite not being raised Christian, Christmas is usually a very big deal for me. Not only is it my favourite holiday, but also I love the festivities that come along with it. The decorations, the tree, exchanging presents and most importantly sharing a meal with family. Since COVID had claimed everyone’s Christmas plans, it was sad to see that I would be missing out on the usual festivities this year (2020). So I decided to invite my girlfriend (Sam) and her best friend (Mandy) over to my place and try to make lemonade out of the situation.

The meal was sumptuous. I was pleasantly surprised how much cooking I’d picked up watching my family on Christmas day. As we ate, we put on the TV (weird trivia about myself, but I cannot eat without any background noise), and turned on the Office. Sam [F23] wasn’t a huge fan so she concentrated on her food, but Mandy [F24] and I were able to bond over the show. Just like myself, it was her favourite sitcom. Sam didn’t seem to mind and she often encouraged me to be close to her friends. It had not been the easiest few month’s for us, but even through the rocky roads, we somehow made it through.