*This is a continuation of a [story I started recently](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10qcvkw/mind_control_wetting_the_first_time_it_happened_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). You don’t have to read the original, but it does contain a couple mild spoilers.*
There’s something sinister about scheming against your older sister, but when you’re Irish twins rivalries naturally burn hot. We had bickered since before memory; I was always upset Rachel got everything first and she bore increasing resentment for what I got away with. For all that she complained about me, it was time to show Rachel just how much I could get away with. If all went to plan, I’d be stealing home plate.
See, it all started a month ago when I was going to the theater with my friend Sasha. I had touched her and snapped, and suddenly I was the one driving – both the car and Sasha. My entire mental existence was placed in Sasha’s toned out volleyball body while hers sat in limbo. Only her muscles remembered the experience, being sore in all sorts of places you wouldn’t expect from simply watching a comedy flick.