[mind control] [scandalous] There’s something sinister about scheming against your older sister, but when you’re Irish twins rivalries naturally burn hot.

*This is a continuation of a [story I started recently](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10qcvkw/mind_control_wetting_the_first_time_it_happened_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). You don’t have to read the original, but it does contain a couple mild spoilers.*

There’s something sinister about scheming against your older sister, but when you’re Irish twins rivalries naturally burn hot. We had bickered since before memory; I was always upset Rachel got everything first and she bore increasing resentment for what I got away with. For all that she complained about me, it was time to show Rachel just how much I could get away with. If all went to plan, I’d be stealing home plate.

See, it all started a month ago when I was going to the theater with my friend Sasha. I had touched her and snapped, and suddenly I was the one driving – both the car and Sasha. My entire mental existence was placed in Sasha’s toned out volleyball body while hers sat in limbo. Only her muscles remembered the experience, being sore in all sorts of places you wouldn’t expect from simply watching a comedy flick.

[Mind Control] [Wetting] The first time it happened I was absolutely terrified.

The first time it happened I was absolutely terrified. My friend Sasha was driving us to Sephora, and we were having a grand time blasting music and singing at the top of our lungs. It was the summer before our senior year and we didn’t have a care in the world. That is, until Miley came on the radio and I snapped.

No, I didn’t lose my temper. I was jamming with my hands over my head ’cause she was playing my song, and snapped my fingers to the music. It wasn’t the first snap that did it, but we hit a bump and my arm brushed against her. The effect was instant.

Suddenly I was the one behind the wheel. I slammed on the breaks, accompanied by the blaring of a horn behind me but luckily no crunch of bumpers meeting for the first time. I swiftly resumed driving and commented to Sasha, “Woah, that was weird! I didn’t even realize..” I looked over to the passenger seat and saw myself. I slammed on the breaks a second time.

Jessica’s First A.S.S. Job, Part 2

[Link to part one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EroticWriting/comments/9qkafl/jessicas_first_ass_job_part_1/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

Inside the first floor bathroom, I peeled off my black capris and slid up my red tanga. My instructor told me to always keep it simple, that guys were driven by sex. That there was no such thing as too many signals. If your body pulled the target in your muscles wouldn’t have to. The only limit was what you could get away with, and teenage boys would let you get away with a lot.

I adjusted myself in the mirror. I’d only get one shot at the easy way and for it to work I had to work it.

The bottoms were the easy part. I pulled the capris down until they rode across the widest section of my hips, then pulled the tanga so that the red lace showed all the way around. They weren’t the most revealing underwear I owned, but they threw mad signals.

Categorized as Erotica

A Sticky April Fool’s Day [kinky] [mutual masterbation] [exhibitionist] [mf] [mm]

Philip and I were going to play XBox, but when I turned on the TV I froze. There stood a sultry masked vixen wearing burnt orange lingerie. Her foot was up on a wooden chair, a domineering captain’s pose that showed off her power as much as her legs.

Seeing her caused an immediate swelling in my pajamas. I was entranced by the vines stitched into her bodice; how they covered her breasts without hiding them. How proudly her hand held her hip, how her other enticingly held behind her head. She stood there, her sheer dress billowing as if in a dream.

Regaining a sense of composure, I went to change the input when Philip grabbed my wrist.

“Wait,” he said in a hushed voice. We shouldn’t be bothered the rest of the night, but I was still nervous. I knew the trouble that would come if we were caught, and knew my sister wouldn’t hesitate to report it. I was nervous, but not enough to hesitate.

The vixen flourished her hands, catching the sheer cape on her dress and pulling it behind her. I inhaled sharply. Her bottoms were a dizzying array of tangled ivy, held tight to her skin by garter straps. They linked to stockings that only existed to highlight how scandalously high up I could see.

Bethany’s Show Must Go On [Exhibition] [M/F]

I hated every moment of dance. The hours left no room for socializing outside of class, my muscles always hurt, and I never felt content. It was senior year and I wanted to quit.

“Whip your leg around faster Bethany!” Natalie, our instructor, was
I hated every moment of dance. The hours left no room for socializing outside of class, my muscles always hurt, and I never felt adequate.

“Higher! You have to hold the pose for all four beats! Stop!” She grabbed my inner thigh and forced my knee to turn out further from my body. There was nothing off limits. “Better, but not good Beth.”

Fuck you Natalie.

“What?!” She yelled back at me. I couldn’t have said it out loud. I stared at her, holding my passe en releve and saying nothing. Maybe I did mutter it, but damned if I was going to apologize.

She moved on and class continued. She went out of her way to provide zero attention to me, not even looking at my form. With the recital tomorrow this was the last thing our group needed, but I was just about done with dance anyway.

Extra Cash on Snake Pass [M/F, Exhibition, Prostitution]

The screeching alarm of the plastic bedside clock blared me awake. I rubbed my temples. Four AM is too early.o Forcing myself to the bathroom, I shrugged out of my pajamas and into the shower.

I started the fire in lodge’s entryway. I didn’t remember putting on my makeup or going down the elevator. I continued through the morning routine, putting out the granola bars and fluffing pillows. I saved folding the throw blankets last; I shuddered to think of the last time they were cleaned. Guests treated them like bedroom doors, hiding everything that went on underneath.

I checked my uniform was on straight before heading outside. It wasn’t a bad outfit really, just a bit too sexualized for a ski resort. The jacket top was comfortable, but the V cut plunged down between my breasts. The built in shelf required bra tape to hold my girls in place. Meanwhile the pants sat low on my hips, leaving my midriff out. They clung to my curves, and had a habit of riding up my ass as I walked.

Desperation Dancing, Debauchery and Conferencing [Wet] [MF] [Voyeur] [Stranger]

I squirmed in my seat.

Conferences were never my thing, but this was insufferable. “Driving Taxing Conversations” sounded interesting on the surface, but it was a long, drawn out PowerPoint presentation on mitigating state unemployment tax. Fuck me, right? And being the third session in a row, right before lunch. And after three cups of coffee.

The presenter, a Mr. Joshua Lynnborn, wasn’t much to look at either. A droll voice with a dull body in a plain suit, with a blah tie to match. Not that I was much better. Black jacket, white button down blouse, black skirt, one inch heels. Instantly forgettable. I only knew him because he happened to be my boss.

The pinging from my bladder grew. I was substituting sleep with caffeine and it was catching up. Worse, I decided to sit right smack in the middle so I couldn’t slip out. Worst, my skirt was digging in and I had no way to loosen it. I clenched my legs tight.

The gentleman on my left looked my way. I was shifting too much, but what could I do? As boring as the presentation was, I couldn’t leave. This was my boss, and I had a role to play. A staged question with his rehearsed response. Anything to make him look good.

Categorized as Erotica

Victoria gets used for Performance Art [Exhibitionist, BDSM]

It was a simple gig, and as an actress I needed anything to build up my portfolio. A couple grand for a day’s work was also more than appreciated. The biggest issue with performance art is the boredom, and today was no exception. Well that and being chained to the wall.

Being metal the chains were surprisingly comfortable, Aleaonze had taken care to sculpt them to my wrists and ankles. And unlike real bindings they didn’t lock.

The piece was a take on the chains of consumer culture. Alternating with me was a supposed businessman in a fine grey suit, the ball on his chain a briefcase. I was the vapid influencer. The cuffs were made to look like fine jewelry, my makeup over done and dressed like I was thirsty for everyone’s attention.

All a bit on the nose and a bit sexist, but I’m no saint. I’ll play my part if the price is right.

The red dress was troublesome. The top had a diagonal slash that showed the top of my left breast, all of the valley and the bottom of my right one. The bottom was the classic too-short-for-daytime clubbing skirt. If I was on a night out this would have been fun.

A Raw, Sloppy and Wet Deal [Exhibitionist, Slutty]

Why did I agree to this?

It sounded so good at the time. My coworkers finally doing their damn jobs for a day. That meant hours back of covering their tasks and constantly cleaning up their mistakes. The deal shouldn’t have even been necessary, but our manager had quit months ago and HIS manager didn’t give two shits about anything that didn’t affect the bottomline. That included our entire department: Human Resources. As long as we didn’t spend over our budget he didn’t care. And it’s easy to be under budget when you don’t do a damned thing. It’s hard to get a team member fired When your manager doesn’t care and you are the HR department. I’d just leave, but quitting in my second year and without a reference would leave a black mark.

The idea came to me in a our morning huddle, our standing meeting that always took a full hour. They had to cover everything important – sports, entertainment, drinking. So much waste gave me a lot of time to daydream how to improve the situation. And then it hit me.

Francis’s Audition

Finally the day had come: the worst evening of the semester. Might as well face it with dignity. I put on my green dress, two inch heels and some serious eyeliner. As an instructor I always dressed professionally, but giving auditions required an extra level of formality.

I drove to the high school apprehensively. It wasn’t the task itself, I loved music and being with a different set of students. The problem was the drama. A long night of unprepared kids getting all worked up over what chair they would sit in.

I sat down cross-legged. The first clarinet player came in and the monotony began. They Warm-up, then start recording. State the date and have the student say their name. Then scales. Then the required prepared piece. Then the optional piece. Then sight reading. Then the next student to do it all again..

I was bored before I started, and after two hours not much had changed. What made it even more tedius is that I could have used last semester’s auditions, the same kids didn’t practice.