Not really sure if bi/gay stories are accepted here. Anyway, [m]y first ti[m]e with my best friend. Part 2

So basically, in the first part, I gave my friend a blowjob that he had been longing for for a while. Neither one of us really planned it and we were still cool afterwards. This second part, like the first, contains some gay sexual acts. If you don't like that, please turn around now.

If you remember, my friend lived in a dorm with 3 other guys so we couldn't really go all out. At least in his dorm. After the first blowjob we talked and he said he really liked it. It might have been better than the ones his ex gave him. The second time we did anything came under similar circumstances. His roommates were out and we were alone in his dorm. We were flipping channels when we came across the Big Bang theory (sorry reddit). We watched it for a little bit before we started to argue about whether penny or Bernadette was hotter (obviously Bernadette, right?). He thought penny was a tad hotter until I showed him some good pictures of Bernadette that eventually changed his mind. After that he said that she reminded him of Lexie, a girl we had known for years since high school. I said that she kinda did but Lexie was more of a butter face. I'm getting off track but she might come into play in another part.

Not really sure if bi/gay stories are accepted here. Anyway, [m]y first ti[m]e with my best friend.

I'm currently having a little trouble getting to sleep so I thought that I might type up my story about me and my best friend. And as a disclaimer, please, if you're not into gay/bi stuff, just turn around now.

My friend and I have always been real close to each other. Best friends since we met each other in 4th grade and that is still so going into our second year of college. Stan and I also go to the same university. We've always kinda been like brothers in that manner; one following the other in one way or another. Neither one of us is openly gay and I don't consider us to be so either. I believe we are both straight guys but some may think otherwise after hearing our experiences. Stan has, or had, a girlfriend for close to 4 years. They split up just before college started (this will come into play later). Myself, have not had a girlfriend but the interest is there but I've never really thought it as a pressing issue. I guess I should also add that Stan is a few inches taller than me at 5'10. We both have a similar, lean build. I'm a little more stalky.