This is a story that is based on the characters and lore from the Uncharted video game franchise. It features Samuel Drake (older brother of Nathan Drake from Uncharted 4) , Chloe Frazer. (Nathan’s ex girlfriend and fellow treasure hunter; Uncharted 2, 3 and The Lost Legacy) , South African mercenary and treasure hunter Nadine Ross (Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy), Indonesian pirates Eddy Raja (Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune) and his sister Rika Raja (from the Uncharted Eye of Indra comics), and Gabriel Roman (British gangster from Drake’s Fortune). This story features bondage, sex, and somewhat strong language. Enjoy!
Sam was knocked unconscious by the fall he and Chloe took in their crash trying to escape their mysterious attackers. While unconscious, he could see it now: he and Chloe in their bedroom back home having sex. He imagined himself with his face in Chloe’s ass wanting to taste her precious pussy. He could also imagine groping onto her nice juicy ass and big tits as well as her tasty lips coming onto his. It was a sensation he didn’t get very often in his life due to his 20+ years in incarceration. Never had he had a woman as sexy as Chloe Frazer let alone had sex with one like her…