The night my pregnant wife’s desire multiplied tenfold [MF]

When my wife got pregnant for the first time, we went through a dry spell for the first few months afterwards. She was most often feeling tired, nauseous or irritable, and the rare time we did get intimate, I could tell she had a hard time getting 100% into it. Still, we would engage in more sensual activities. I wanted to make sure she keeps feeling loved and desired, as I knew keeping a good body image and self-esteem can be challenging for some women expecting a child. I would give her massages, showered with her, soaped her up sensually, without expecting much in return. I was just so grateful she was basically being a human superhero: the fact she was carrying life in her belly was like magic to me, and I was so excited to become a father and to form a family with her.

During all that time I was getting incredibly horny though, and kept satisfying my needs by watching porn or reading erotica. To be clear, she knew about this and it wasn’t a secret; it just felt healthy that I could take care of myself that way if she wasn’t up for sex. I have to say most of my computer screen solo sexy time was involving pregnant woman fantasies, and I couldn’t wait for my wife to truly desire being sexual with me again.