coworker lets me blow him while on the phone to his wife [MF]

I’m a junior doctor in a relatively small city and have had some bad luck in my love life. This year, knowing I would be starting a new job in a big university hospital, I was excited to meet lots of new people and hopefully widen my horizons and start dating some new people. I got my first posting and saw that I would be working with a guy called Harry and was frivolously hopeful that this would be the beginnings of a new love story.

Alas, no. When I met Harry on my first day, he was tall and handsome, but married with a daughter. Nonetheless, we got on very well and he was a pleasure to work with. We worked VERY closely together, as in basically just the two of us going around together, and we relied on each other a lot emotionally. We were also placed on call together, so there were times where we were spending 12 hours a day together non stop for two whole weeks. This could have been a nightmare situation, but we had become such good friends that it was easy and we rarely argued.

my first time riding bareback (mf, long, detailed backstory)

There's a bit of background to get through here… Quick description of me- 5'2, 125 pounds, slim but with disproportionate chest (30F), light brown long hair, green eyes. I get a lot of attention from men, but because of my breasts it's often from the wrong sort of men unfortunately.

Ever since I lost my virginity at age 17, sex has been a very casual thing for me. If I feel like having sex, I have sex, and I have moved so far from fear of being perceived as a slut. While this has been liberating, it has also been damaging, as with each new partner the association between sex and love/romance becomes weaker and weaker. I suppose you could say I've become disillusioned.

Then, in July, I met James. And no- this story isn't cliche romantic. But the sex was instantaneously fantastic. It was effortless and fun- and perhaps most surprising of all- it was consistent. I've found that casual sex relationships usually expire after about a month, as you just grow tired of each other. But this kept going. Despite being over ten years my senior (36 to my 25) his libido was impressive, with our best record being seven times in one night. We also had sex in the hospital where we both work- a story for another time.

The Hospital Porter (m/f)

(Warning this might have gotten a bit long)

So this just happened on Friday night and I still have such a fuzzy afterglow feeling and had to write about it. I have been working in a large city hospital for the past year as a medical student, which is where I met Michael. Now when I say met, I more mean that we passed each other in the corridors so often that it would be ridiculous not to smile or nod. I assumed he was a few years older than me, maybe approaching 30- has longish blonde hair and gives off a very laid-back, perhaps stoner vibe. He is known by the female students as simply the 'hot porter'. I checked him out often but he always seemed indifferent to me.