[MF] Hot and High

So this was quite the experience for me. So much so that I’ve decided to record it for posterity. This may be a bit long for those who want to skip straight to the sex but I’ve always felt backstory is the difference between a story you can get invested in and scrawling “I fucked er real good” on the Reddit thread equivalent of a bathroom wall.

Leaning against the washing machine as I watched my girlfriend grab our lighter and begin to take a long hit from our bong, I let my eyes wander over her. She’s dressed for comfort after a long day and she looks great even when not trying. She’s 5 foot nothing with stunning blue eyes, blonde hair, an astounding D cup chest and an ass that may as well have a magnet on it for how drawn my hands are to it. I meanwhile am 6’5 , brown eyed and red haired so at least she finds me funny.