The Redding House Saga: An Epilogue [MF]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Part 5](

[Part 6](

[Part 7](

[Part 8](


There isn’t anything very steamy in this post. It’s more for those of you who wanted to know what happened with Maddy and I. Thanks for sticking through to the end, I think this helped me in many ways.


I’ve never delivered the emotional haymaker that are those three words to anyone before Maddy. My coping mechanism after my parent’s passed was routine. With that came the good – it allowed me to get healthy and build a flourishing small business – and the bad – not having the ability to allow the flexibility that is required to fully commit to another person.

Through out the nearly two years that I had known Maddy, she pushed me out of my comfort zone more times than I could count, no more so than this moment, where I had finally admitted to the world, to myself, to her, that I couldn’t look into the future and not see her with me.

The Redding House Saga: Room for Two Part 2 [MFF]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Part 5](

[Part 6](

[Part 7](

Ginger. That’s what I was tasting on the tip of my tongue… ginger. I swirled the remaining liquid in the bottom of my glass before allowing it to flow past my lips. Pretty good… but for $170, it better be. Sarah and Maddy had finally separated, Maddy back to breathing steadily. I was still leaning up against the console table I had been glued to while Sarah took Maddy to another planet, my arms crossed and brow furrowed… still trying to figure out how this was going to come back to bite me.

Sarah collected herself and stood up from the couch, her stare locked into mine. She sauntered around the coffee table and made a direct line towards me until our toes were touching. She grabbed the glass out of my hand and placed it on the tabletop behind me. She drew her head just past my cheek until her mouth was all but on my ear.

The Redding House Saga: Room for Two [MFF]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Part 5](

[Part 6](

Prior to my birthday present from Maddy… and I guess Sarah too… I had been involved in exactly two threesomes. Both were terrible experiences. It was incredibly stressful; tough to be in the moment when you’re worried about paying equal attention and making sure you’re not left out entirely. Overall, I’m definitely more of a one-on-one kind of guy… simple.

This night was the exception. My only regret is that I don’t have a picture of my face when Sarah walked out in the same tiny schoolgirl outfit that Maddy had made famous in my mind. My best guess is my face matched [Donald Glover’s]( when he met LeVar Burton on Community.

“Holy shit” I managed to exhale.

Both women walked around either side of the coffee table, the sway of the skirt fabric accentuating the swing of their hips, their heels clicking in time with my now elevated heartbeat. They stopped in front of my feet, and in unison sat down on the table in front of me. In one fluid motion, they both crossed one leg over the other, perfectly in sync. Huh… did they practice this?

The Redding House Saga: An Unexpected Guest Part 3 [MF]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Part 5](

Spring rolled into summer pretty quickly, and Maddy decided to stay in town for the summer to work on her Master’s degree in conjunction with her Bachelor’s degree… which I didn’t know was something a person could do. After the night that we had reconnected, our relationship certainly took on a new tone. We were still in that stage where we had sex every time we saw each other, but the frequency of 2:00 AM meetups declined, while the frequency of lunch dates increased.

With summer being the busiest time of year for me, and Maddy taking a full accelerated course load during the summer term, we still were able to remain pretty independent, so it didn’t feel as serious as it was probably getting.

September was here before we knew it – Maddy’s senior year. I can’t say that I wasn’t thinking about what things would look like in May, but I tried to not let it bog us down. The girls decided to not renew their lease, which made me feel a lot better about Maddy and me. They found another 4-bedroom house not to far from my rental, and while I was no longer responsible for the upkeep on the property they were now occupying, that didn’t stop them from calling me over from time to time to help out. Mostly hanging curtains, outdoor string lights, fix a leaky faucet here and there… stuff like that.

The Redding House Saga: An Unexpected Guest Part 2 [MF]

Quick note – to everyone asking to see some of my woodworking, with reverse image search being a thing, I won’t be sharing any of my personal work. I would highly suggest checking out 4th Period Woodshop. I feel like their aesthetic lines up well with mine, and I draw a lot of inspiration from them.

Sorry, this one is long. Looking back it was probably the best night of my life.

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

Sorry, this one is long. Looking back it was probably the best night of my life.


*“u up?”*

I read it over and over again, my feet cemented to the floor of my dimly lit workshop. Am I up? Am I UP? The fucking nerve of this woman.

I shouldn’t respond, I thought. Not so much as a *“hey, how have you been?”*, but she thinks a late-night booty call after being piped by Vineyard Vines is appropriate?! I tossed my phone on back on the credenza in disgust, snatched the first bottle of scotch that was inside the dry bar cabinet, and poured a drink. I planted myself on the couch and slumped back against the velvet in frustration.

The Redding House Saga: An Unexpected Guest [MF]

It seems the story of my first night with Maddy struck a chord with quite a few people, so to not disappoint, I thought I would continue shortly after from where we left off.

Before I start, I thought I would address some frequently asked questions:

1. To the many private messages and the one person that asked in a comment (bold), I will not be sharing a picture of my penis. It would be underwhelming.

*bUt MaDdY sAiD yOu HaD a ThIcK cOcK!!!*

She also called me “daddy”, and I don’t have any children, so…

2. I absolutely will not be sharing pictures or videos of Maddy, or any other women that make an appearance in these stories. Please stop asking.

3. To anyone “shooting their shot”, I’m flattered, but as of now I have over 270 messages, so I will not respond.

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](


Maddy and I hooked up a few more times after that first night before Thanksgiving. Primarily late-night booty calls from her, I still wasn’t really comfortable having her over at my place. The sex was great, but nothing to write home, or on here, about.

I [f]ace-fucked [m]y 20-year old tenant after she wrecked my wall – part 3

First, to address the handful of people who said this is a fake story.

Did this really happen? Yes. Am I embellishing aspects of the story? Absolutely.

I don’t have the photographic memory necessary to remember every encounter I’ve ever had with this level of detail. I can remember about 80%-85% of what happened, maybe more of the hot and heavy stuff, and then I use my 32 years’ experience as a human who has interacted with other humans to fill in the blanks in an attempt to tell a compelling and cohesive story.

Writing was a big part of my therapy when my parents died, and to be honest I’ve been feeling like I’m lacking intimacy during this whole quarantine situation. Recounting these stories on paper the last couple of days has helped me feel better than I have in weeks.

So believe me, don’t believe me… it’s your prerogative. I’m enjoying my time reminiscing about some fun things that happened, and I hope anyone who’s reading enjoys my, albeit somewhat skewed, trip down memory lane. No, it didn’t all happen exactly like this. There are no jump cuts in real life, but the foundation and spirit of the stories are rooted in actual events.

I [f]ace-fucked [m]y 20-year old tenant after she wrecked my wall – part 2

Seems like plenty of people enjoyed the first part of my first night with Maddy, so I wrote up what happened next. Found a good stopping point, there’s a third (last) part that I can try to write up this weekend.

[Part 1](

By the time I made it back to the Redding house, both spots in the driveway were occupied. “Great, a full house” I thought to myself. I decided to stop by my shop (where I also live, another story for another day) to clean myself up, and grab as many tools and supplies I had laying around so I could make the Home Depot trip as quick and inexpensive as possible.

I jogged up the steps with my small tool bag and drywall piece and knocked on the door. The door swung open and I was greeted again by Maddy, this time in dark sweats and a baggy t-shirt and had the name of the university printed across her chest. An image of her tits, wet with her own saliva, flashed in my head.

I [f]ace-fucked [m]y 20-year old tenant after she wrecked my wall

**Disclaimer** This is a ton of set-up for a relatively short encounter. I included all this backstory because it sets up a bunch of other stories that I can write out if there is any interest. I threw some asterisk down where the fun stuff starts.

I am currently (in 2020) renovating the bathroom in one of my houses, and I just finished moving a light fixture and installing a drywall patch… which reminded me of a series of events that took place at a rental property that I own. This experience happened about 4 years ago when I was 28.

Both of my parent’s died in an auto accident when I was 20 years old, and in a final act of love and support, they left me – their only child – with no debt, a good chunk of assets (their house that was mostly paid off, their retirement fund, etc.), along with a little over a million dollars in life insurance.