Medieval Festival [MF]

It was a medieval festival. It’s something from my boyfriend. He is a fan of those things. He asked me to accompany him. We went and it was in a small forest. There was a small esplanade where some small street shops were placed selling “medieval” items from things like food, to armor. There were also stages for shows and fights.

We went in several cars, my boyfriend his friends and I, and some girlfriends of those guys. One of those guys saw me a lot, especially in the ass. I always like that they look at me lustfully. I let him look at me without saying anything and was looking for a chance to show him my ass. He was going with his girlfriend and that made me more horny. The guy didn’t talk to me much, I didn’t know him until that day.

The afternoon arrived and we decided to put the tent before it got too dark. We look for a comfortable place in the forest and install them. My boyfriend was carrying a big tent and we installed another 2 small ones. We didn’t say where we would sleep, but we were a large group.

My [F] friend’s boyfriend [M] touches my ass

Quick confession.

Well, I have this woman friend, I get along very well with her. We take the habit of starting out at the club. Sometimes her boyfriend came with us, sometimes not. He always saw my ass, obviously when my friend didn’t notice. Although I noticed it just let it pass. “Men being men” I thought.

He began to come with us more. One day when I was very drunk he touched my thigh a little below the table. I was nervous, but I really enjoyed it a little. That same night when we went out and waited for an Uber. My friend was on his left side and he hugged her firmly by the waist. I was on his right. We talked and laughed. He asked how drunk I was, I said maybe an 8 or 9 on a scale of 1 to 10.

My friend was very drunk too. He simply put his hand on my ass, not moving it but firmly on my buttock. I didn’t say or do anything, not even turn to see him. He took confidence and began to stroke my ass strong and firmly.

I [F] paid a homeless man [M] to let me give him a blowjob.

This is a story that I didn’t know whether to tell, I regret a little ashamed, but the blessed internet privacy protects me so…

I am too slut, too much. I just can’t resist the impulse of slut that I carry inside. I am always thinking new fantasies about everything. There was this man. A homeless “acquaintance” where he used to live when I was younger with my parents. The people gave him assistance and constant help. We all knew him, he was not aggressive or hostile. He stayed to sleep in an abandoned house that was close to mine. He used to collect recyclables and lived on that and the charity we all gave him. Even some people sometimes let him bathe, cut his hair and beard and the man was grateful and pleasant, he could talk well with him, he was lucid. He drank a lot of bad quality alcohol and was quite drunk, but never gave problems.

However, he was quite a voyeur. Some women commented that he looked at asses and tits without much shame. But since he had never touched or said anything to anyone, they did not call the police.