[T]hinking is a legitimate challenge when horny

I’ve got a bit of a bimbofication kink…

I blame it on the high expectation to be extremely intelligent in school and as a pre-transition young adult but whatever the reason I enjoy having my brain switched all the way off in sexual situations

*This gets really hard all of the time*

Currently I’m sitting here trying to play up a sexual conversation with my friends over text and I can bareslllly contribute because it takes FOREVER to actually type anything out. It’s like drunk texting except I haven’t touched alcohol since Christmas 🥴🥴🥴

Anyway that’s all I have for today. I hope I’ll have the story about how my gf accidentally tripped a hypnotic trigger recently ish but if I keep getting horny while writing it may never be done!

Estrogen is a hell of a hormone [TF]

So I’ve talked before about how sensitive transition has made me but tonight it was a little extra special. Tonight I did my estrogen shot myself for the first time. It was a big step for me considering how bad I am with needles but I was over a week late on my dose, and this week has been long and traumatic, so I absolutely needed estrogen to be back in my system

Afterwards, I was browsing r/gonewildaudio which has been a favorite sub of mine for years because it’s allowed me to get in a headspace free of dysphoria. I picked an audio, began listening, and was almost immediately rocked by a jolt that I’m familiar with but that hadn’t happened in quite some time.

As I felt that familiar warmth of orgasm wash over me, I could feel a second one building in my nipples, and racing down between my legs. I shook hard as I tried to hold back something my body had been longing to do all week, but it was simply like trying to patch an exploding dam with bubble bum. I moaned hard and came again, shaking under the intensity of my orgasm.

I can’t do orgasm denial [T]

HRT has made me extremely sensitive, and even the lightest anything can have me cumming like mad.

*I’m not even joking. I’ve cum from hand holding*

It was like this before HRT too. When I saved sperm to go on HRT I wasn’t allowed to masturbate or do anything sexual for 3 days minimum and it was *agony*. I literally couldn’t focus on anything prior to the day, and then after it was like my eyes had opened for the first time.

*my libido is crazy high. Dysphoria did not kill this at all*

One of the most interesting things though is I’ve discovered I can cum from hearing other people cum. This is really fun because it means that no matter what I’m doing, my partners and I almost always cum at the same time. Nothing more intimate and absolutely melting into someone who is also melting into you is the absolute best thing ever.

I’ve been told I’m “Gods favorite” a couple times by people but it does *cum* with downsides

*namely that I have to not be pent up before going out because, again, I can cum from* **HAND HOLDING**

Realizing [T]he Possibilities of my Body are Endless

Hello! Some of you may know me by now, but for those who don’t, I am trans femme and have been on HRT for over a year, and my transition has made my body **extremely** responsive to touch.

**Before we begin, I would like to put a content warning for this one. This story isn’t dark in the slightest, however I do describe my dissociative disorder in pretty strong detail during this, so if you are sensitive to descriptions of dissociation please scroll away and read something else.**

*I will mark that section with XXXXXX if you choose to read ahead so that you know it’s coming, and a YYYYYYYYY when it’s over so you can remove the section, or so that you can skip to how we dealt with what happened to ease your mind*

I have a limit testing kink. It developed long before I transitioned and it basically means I very frequently test all of my soft mental limits, as well as some of my physical limits to have absolutely mind blowing sex.

This kink is responsible for the orgasm record posted in another story, as well as the toy mishap story from a couple days ago.

ALWAYS check your [T]oys before using them

*To preface; this post is more funny than sexy; but it was certainly a round of sex education (I’ll see myself out)*

I’ve talked about it before but for those who don’t know; I am INTENSELY multi orgasmic *(just read my post about my orgasm record then you’ll get an idea of how sensitive I am)* and very much a “try anything once” type of person so long as it’s ethical.

About 2 weeks ago, off the command of a friend turned domme, I began getting into long term plugging. I’m trying to get up to 24/7 use but for now the most I managed was about 8-10 hours.

To kick things off though, I (in my infinite wisdom) shoved a dead vibrating plug in. Both my spouse and I struggle with object permanence so this thing had no business being in our arsenal of toys, but I just assumed the battery was dead.

*I was not prepared for the damn thing to turn on*

[T]he night we set my orgasm record [LONG]

(Hi all just wanna say I wrote this on my phone so if it looks weird sorry! Also this one is LONG but it’s all worth it I promise)

Ok so to preface this entire story, I have one of the most intense nervous systems of anyone I know. Sometimes it’s a curse because I get things like photorealistic hallucinations, but *other* times it’s the most wonderful blessing a girl could ever wish for!

Hopefully it’s obvious by now this story is about the latter of these two scenarios.

*a note to keep in mind as we go through this, my spouse and I are BIG on communication and safewords. We converse as we go and frequently check in because our favorite kink is limit breaking, which falls squarely in CNC play. About 95% of our scenes end in safeword usage and 100% end in really good aftercare like rehydration and cuddles to help put our brains back together*